the shocking truth about... just read it

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"Now, Mr. Fianella, can you identify the substance in this jar marked "Exhibit F"?" The prosecutor lady asked him.

"Yeah, that's the stuff alright. Your Honor, I've been working underground for Con Ed for twenty-seven years. I never saw anything like this in my life. Whatever's down there, they must've put it there." He said as he pointed at the four of them.

"No, we didn't!" Ray stood up and shouted.

"Ray, Ray, calm down," Silvia said, grabbing his arm to sit him back down.

"Shut up!" The judge said as he banged his gavel.


"So you were just trying to help out a..." Louis said to Peter as he sat down.

"Help out a friend." Peter finished for him.

"There was no evil intended, no malice. When you live in a place and you love it like you do, you don't want anything bad to happen." Louis said.

"Objection, Your Honor." The prosecutor said.


"He's leading the witness." The prosecutor said to the judge.

"Sustained." The judge said, Silvia groaning.

"Give me a break, we're both lawyers," Louis said to her, the lady not paying any attention.

"Mr. Tully, do you have any questions for this witness that might have some bearing on this case?" The judge asked him.

"Do I?" Louis looks over at Peter.

"No, we've helped them out enough already," Peter replied.

"No, Your Honor." Louis looks back at the judge, then sits back down next to the group.

"Dr. Venkman, would you please tell the court it is that you and your co-defendants took it upon yourselves to dig a hole in the middle of First Avenue?" The prosecutor asked, standing up again.

"Well, there are so many holes in First Avenue we didn't think anyone would notice," Peter said, which made the audience laugh.

"Keep that up mister, I'll find you in contempt." The judge says to Peter angrily. Silvia looks back at the table with all their equipment, noticing that the slime Ray found earlier started to bubble.

"Egon, look at that," Silvia whispers, pointing to the slime.

"I'm truly sorry, Your Honor," Peter says.

"I'll ask you again Dr. Venkman. Why were you digging the hole? And please remember you're under oath." The lady said. Her and Dickless would make a great couple (dickless=walter peck aka dickless ed sheeran).

"There are some things in this world that go way beyond human understanding. Things that cannot be explained, things that most people don't wanna know about. That is where we come in." Peter says.

"So what you're saying is that the world of the supernatural is your exclusive province?" The lady asked Peter.

"Kitten, I think what I'm saying is that sometimes shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and who are you gonna call?" Peter said, which made the audience and the gang smile, clap and cheer. The judge angrily banged his gavel again, irritated at everyone's response.

"Shut up!" The judge shouted.


"Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler, Silvia Scoleri, stand up!" The judge said, the four of them doing so. "You too, Mr. Tully. I find you guilty on all charges. I order you to pay fines in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars each. I sentence you to eighteen months at the city correctional facility at Riker's Island."

"Egie, the slime's going berserk again," Silvia said to him, the others noticed this as well.

"I'm not finished!!" The judge yelled as he banged his gavel for the millionth time. "On a more personal note, let me just go on record as saying there's no place for fakes, charlatans-"

"Uh, Your Honor-" Egon interrupted him.

"Shut up!" The judge yelled. "-Tricksters like you in this city."

"Your Honor, this is important." Silvia interrupted again.

"You play on the gullibility of innocent people. If my hands weren't tied by the unalterable fetters of the law then I would invoke the tradition of our illustrious forebears, reach back to a purer, sterner justice, and have you burned at the stake!!" The judge yelled at them more. The four of them and Louis ducked underneath their table as the slime overflowed out of its jar. Shortly after the judge's rant, it exploded, releasing two ghosts that they had never encountered before. Well, Silvia had anyway.

"Dad..." Silvia said as she looked at her father and uncle sitting in two electric chairs. Silvia's mother had told her they were still alive. "That lying son-of-a-bitch mother!!! How could she??!"

"The Scoleri brothers!" The judge said to them after being thrown over to the table they were hiding underneath.

"Friends of yours??" Ray asked.

"Tried them for murder, gave them the chair!" The judge said. Silvia couldn't help but shed some tears. "You gotta do something!!"

"Why don't you just tell them you don't believe in ghosts??" Egon yelled sarcastically. Then the table they were hiding under was lifted by one of the brothers and thrown on the other side of the courtroom.

"Egon, comfort your girlfriend! We'll handle this!" Ray shouted to him, Egon giving him a thumbs up as he grabbed Silvia's hand and ran with her out of the courtroom. As they escaped the crowd of people and reporters, hiding out in an alleyway, they sat down on a sidewalk.

"Silvia, what the hell happened? And why are you crying??" Egon said as he gave her his handkerchief from his pocket. Silvia wiped her eyes, then blew her nose loudly.

"I-I don't think y-you want this back," Silvia said, sniveling. "T-Those ghosts were m-my father a-and uncle. They got a-arrested because they murdered my grandparents. My grandparents had a hefty amount of money in their will going towards my mom, not them, so they were greedy. They didn't care if they were gone, they just wanted the money. After they got arrested, my mom told me t-that they were s-still alive, but she lied to me. W-why would she do that to me?!!" Silvia violently blew her nose again after her rant.

"I would say I'm no scientist, but I am, so that wouldn't work. But I think she didn't tell you to protect you. That's how my parents were. They were never really affectionate towards me nor told me anything." Egon said.

"I think I just need a hug right now." Silvia sniveled. Egon opened his arms to her, Silvia hugging him tightly as she rested her face on his shoulder. "Sorry, I'm drenching your shoulder with my waterfall tears."

"I don't mind." Egon smiled as he hugged her back. "Do you want something to eat?" Silvia nodded her head as a yes, so they stood up and walked to the nearest grocery store and bought all the candy and Twinkies their nerdy hearts desired.

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