the EPA and a realization

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Silvia winced and shut her eyes as Egon wrapped the bandaid around her now-very-swollen finger. She couldn't even make a full fist because of the stupid metal door.

"I'm worried, Ray. It's crowded down there, and all my recent data points to something big on the horizon." Egon said, standing up from being crouched down to the chair's level so he could help with Silvia's injury. He stood up, not realizing that he was still holding her hand from helping her.

"What do you mean 'big'?" Winston asked.

"Well, let's say this Twinkie here represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York Area. According to this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie... thirty-five feet long weighing approximately six hundred pounds." Egon said, holding up a Twinkie as an example. Ray coughed out his cigarette smoke from surprise.

"That's a big Twinkie," Winston said. Egon raises his eyebrows, then eats the treat in his hand.

"We could be on the verge of a fourfold cross-rip... a PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions," Ray explained.

"We just had a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency. How's the grid holding up?" Peter asked them.

"Not good," Egon said, taking another bite out of his Twinkie afterward.

"Tell him about the Twinkie," Winston said.

"What about the Twinkie?" Peter asked. Silvia shook her head, laughing a bit. "What'd you do to your finger, Silvia? It looks like a caterpillar with a bandaid on it."

"Oh, I just slammed it between a metal door, nothing too serious," Silvia said, awkwardly removing her hand away from Egons so she could have her arm back. Egon noticed though, but for some reason became sad when her touch escaped.

"Nothing too serious?? I can see the blood through the bandaid." Peter said.

"I'll be okay," Silvia said.

"Awwe, Egon taking care of Silvia, how shweet," Peter said in a baby voice, messing with Egons hair and purposely putting dirty fingerprints on his glasses, then lightly knocking Egons forehead into Silvia's.

"See? Great minds do think alike!" Peter said as he got a glasses wipe for Egon. Lightning and thunder could be heard from outside. "I gotta go, I gotta date with Dana Barrett."

"You mean that client with the haunted refrigerator that you kept pestering?" Silvia asked.

"Yes, exactly! I'll be back in a little while." Peter said.

"Bye." She said as she stood up and walked to her desk, sitting down in her comfy chair. She watched as Twinkie (the snake from earlier) slithered around happily; Silvia decided to take him out of her tank, letting the snake wrapped around her arm. Silvia yawned as she pets Twinkie, the snake not responding that much, other than the occasional sticking-out-of-the-tongue.


A knock at the front door of headquarters could be heard. Everyone except Janine, Silvia, and Egon had gone to their homes. Peter was still out with Dana; Janine answered the door. There was a cop, so Janine just stared at him blankly.

"Dropping off or picking up?" She asked him.

"Dropping off." The cop answered.

"Just a moment," Janine said, closing the door. "Silvia, Egon! There's someone here!!"

Silvia put her snake back as quickly and gently as possible, racing down the stairs while Egon took a little longer. When Egon finally came downstairs, he opened the front door.

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