The sound of ringing bells

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(Don't ask about the image I was bored and I was playing through a story quest so I took a picture with Thoma)

"So you want to investigate the blocked area's, but you need me to catch his attention?"
She nodded.

"Is this really a good idea? I mean what if you get caught or hurt and I can't help you?"

"Naegi I'll be fine, I know not to go to far just focus on making a decoy." With that she walked off.

'Wonderful, what do I do? now'
"Uhm Monokuma? I have a few questions."
I yelled looking at the ceiling.
"Puhuhu what is it pathetic student of mine?"
'Ouch that hurt'

"W-well the other students keep talking about me like I have a second person in my head a-and it kinda scares me." I say surprisingly truthful, looking at the three foot bear.

"Well ain't muck I can do here cause you do and he is a lot more interesting that you, doesn't that make you full of despair that there's a better version of you somewhere in your head?" The bear teased, the smile on his face became more threatening as Naegi faltered.

"N-no it's not true not at all I'm not gonna disappear, l-l wanna stay with everyone, that can happen right?" When he looked up only to see the bear's twisted smile.
The reality of the situation hit him as he started to shake on the floor. "How pathetic honesty no wonder you got left behind when your father left."

"What? No no they-y didn't leave me, I'm their s-son they can't leave me!" The brown haired looked up.

The mastermind behind the bear smirked, "Puh hu, really I thought they told you how useless you and your talent are before leaving? Isn't that why everyone teamed up against you in first trial? Because you held them back?"

"N-no I was set up that's why, get out of my head! Y-you can't prove that!" 

The bear laughed harder, "Really what's this then?" He pulled a bell and started to ring it.

"N-no the bells a-and the people, the people. P-pain lots of pain." The boy started to twitch "no no no no stay away I don't want that."

-memory lane-

Bells he remembered lots of ringing, people everywhere in nice clothes. Why? Where? A hand grabbed his wrist pulling him away from a familiar face.
"Your such a good for nothing kid! You ruined the whole ceremony, dropping the rings like that!"
The ringing kept getting louder.

-back to present-

"No no no more bells, please I won't drop the rings, I'm sorry." He started to pull at his hair.

"How interesting, who would have thought some bells would mess you up so bad?" Monokuma watched as the forced switch tortured the boy on the floor before he disappeared.

Naegi blacked out.

"y!——naegi?——makoto?——can either of——hear me?"

He didn't answer all he could here was the sound of bells ringing....

Split in two (Dangronpa AU -Editing) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now