Chapter Thirty five -- Worries

Start from the beginning

Being entralled and caught up Emily continue on her series until she heard soft knocks in her door.

"Open." She lazily said not wanting to be disturbed at all.

"Aunt??" Her niece Juriel peeked in her door a little hesitant while smiling shyly at her. The niece know her aunt to be adjusting and had been quiet often in her room, her Granny said that her aunt living a solitary life moght have affected her social skills even with family that sometimes they find her a little distant.

Giving Juriel a welcoming smile, Emily motion her to come forward. She know in herself she'd been awkward but it wasn't because she wanted distance. Its just that she find them too happy and find herself misplaced. She often too remember her own family and her sister everytime her nieces talked or naughtily laugh at each other making her smile yet ache for the sight. Looking at them.would mean piercing her heart all over again as she would wish to hold onto again with her sister, she loved her too much that her betrayal to her had become a dark poison in her life. Can you blame her? Can you really untame the heart and tell yourself its fine when its not? All those years of seeking approval from her, idolizing her in every way and yet she was to be betrayed to the only family she had. She had lost her love and she had lost her sister too, can the world really not understand that pain? Standing alone, pained and hurt while everyone seems to have life, how can someone really take it but just be distance herself?

Snapping from her trance she look again at her hesitant niece and give her a soft expression.

Almost stumbling and blushing her teeny niece said in a low almost hush voice, "Uhm. .a man is looking for you outside." Emily almost crack a laugh if she wasn't too decent to spare her fourteen year old niece from more embarassment. She was tall and curvy, her body mature earlier than her mind but seriously the girl still played a lot of street and kiddy games and would still head home soaked with sweat and dirty clothes, so it was really a sight for Emily to see her niece in such girly state.

Timidly Emily paused the drama and went downstairs with her niece. Then as the house wasn't that big but only a bit of two storey wooden house, almost hispanic in aura. Emme reach their destination which is the sala where the visitor is sitting and waiting quiet impatient to see her.

She paused and stared at the unexpected visitor.

How did he find me? She thought as she scowl at him.

"What are you doing here?" Was her first harsh word to Ariel who directly stood up once he saw her. But instead of answering her directly Ariel just give her niece an appreciative smile which the younger one took blushingly and slowly retreated away.

Emily almost lost a smile and tease her own niece. She knew then that the sod had a crush on Ariel! It wasn't really a wonder at all, she mean he was handsome and hot but he was way too old for her. Besides breaking her facade would ruin her so she remain stoic in her expression, refraining herself from stupidly grinning in amusement.

I'll gotta get back on her later. She muse. Later.

"Come home." He said simply as he slid his hands in his pocket. In his mind were pure turmoil of words of how to change Emily's perception through explanation, but words seems to vanish all of a sudden.

Emily however were too pained to see it that way, Going home? It sounded like it was that simple.

"Im already home." she answered lowly wondering where is home?

"maybe. .but your sister needed you." He countered as pleadful as he could be.

"Does she now?" She said sarcastically, " Cause last time I think I wasn't really needed."

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