Chapter Nine - - Enduring the party

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"so what are you two talking about?" Emily ask full of good expectation.

I just give her a shrug and a smile. I guess ive been smiling a lot lately with many different meanings.

Jeremy just look at my sister and give her a light kiss before answering.

"we're just talking about what happened in the resto. That I'm sorry for being too straightforward---"then he look at me like expecting me to lie too.

"and ahhm. .that I- i am sorry for ruining and acting weird that night. Just took me by surprise you know." I tried to sound fine and sorry though I feel so indifferent about it.

"great! Thats great news!!!" she exclaimed and hugged me tight. So tight I might think she wants to kill me or I was just being bitter myself. Shrugs. Im weird.

Ahu. Ahu. I can't breath. "I understand your happy but please don't overkill me with joy. Literally." I patted her back then she releases me. Air! I breathed like I miss air for a year. I know I'm being pathetic but whatever.

"oops sorry. .are you okay?"

I just nod at her in response.

"okay. .lets just go inside. "

Emily suddenly cling into Jeremy's arms and held him inside. I just follow them as I know another hell is coming for me like putting a huge advertisement saying 'welcome'. Great. Just great.

...... ...

We were inside already, my friends surrounded Jeremy and Emme hoping for gossips for their love story, Jeremy's whatabouts and everything. My girlfriends congratulated my sister for a good catch. Hot, eligible bachelor, currently the well known consultant in a well known company at a young age and so on.  They all seem too impressed actually. Save for one. Me.

I distance myself, Im no martyr to torture myself with all this happenings. Yes, I am happy for my sister but I am mourning for our soon to be detachment and the end of my first love. Bitter.

I am stress eating. I devour every food in my plate, it reminded me I haven't eaten well today because of being too busy and occupied. I let out a sigh. I look at them and for a mean time I saw Jeremy looking at me too. His expression unreadable.

"Cass.." I almost jump as Ariel tap my shoulder. " you look tired. .you okay?" I look at him slightly unfocus then look back to the engage couple. They seem fine and I guess I should get use to the idea of my sister marrying, My love being taken and me being alone. What a life.

"Yeah. .i'm good." I let out a weak smile.

Ariel held me to a seat and chatted with me the whole evening. His presence saved me from every turmoil I could feel for myself.

"I know your lonely with the thought of your little sister marrying. But hopefully you also know that she'll just getting married. Your still sisters and you'll still see her."

"I know. But it still feels sad. Ill be doing a lot of things alone. Breakfast. Shopping. Girl things. .etcetera etcetera.." I said, though truthfully this wasn't a total lie, I would really miss doing things with my little sister.

He gave me a light hug. "you have me. ." then he wink. "I can do girly things. .I can curl your hair. Shopping buddies as long as its your treat. Im on it. ." He giggle and I burst out laughing,  just the thought of doing girl thing with a man is a total wow. Especially Ariel. .wow. Just wow.

" I knew it why you like my pink dress so much. You have a thing for it! Haha.." I exclaimed and his face went sour.

One thing Ariel is very good at? His good at making me laugh and forget my problem temporarily.

" yeah Im a girl." then he started to give me beso-beso or so called cheek to cheek kiss.

"that is taking advantage!" I giggle.

" were girls. There's no malice." he said smiling then opt for a kiss. "kiss..lips. Girl thing.."

I slap the bread in his lips and he just eat it.

"your such a sadist you know. ." he hissed and took another bread in my plate and put some spaghetti on it.

"Carbs and carbs.."

"its tasty. .and Im filipino.." I just smile at him. There's no way to win a conversation with him when it comes to food,  Believe me. Besides its pretty normal to eat pancit or spaghetti with bread. Filipino doesn't mind much about carbs, a good example is we love eating rice and other kakanin which are highly rich in carbs. We put carbs on carbs on carbs. Typical.

The party ended well, and thanks to Ariel I survived the night without killing myself out of good praises for the couple. Looks like the crowd like Jeremy very much, his gotten so charismatic and friendly unlike before when his shy and so mysterious. I hate to think the fact that maybe one of the reason why he change is me and when he did for the better I am no longer part of it.

Yeah. Bitter again.

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