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"Joon where are you going should I have go with you".yoongi asked rubbing his neck.
"No it's ok hyung I'm going have  some air nearby ok".joon said smiling at his hyung.
"Are you sure I don't have any work I'm all free".yoongi asked patting his shoulder.
"No it's really ok have some rest you are having so much problem".joon said smiling again.
"Ok call me if you are getting problem and any thing". Yoongi said waving his hands.
"I'll, thank you so much hyung for every thing". namjoon didn't know why but he think it is good time to say that.
"Why are saying that now".yoongi asked confusily.
"I don't I had feeling so I told you". Joon said slipping his shoe on.
"Mention not kiddo". Yoongi said ruffling his hair.

"Jimin you are here right jimin i hear the news you ran away, go back love they will treat you".joon said entering the dark house of his boyfriend with fear.
"J- j- joon y- you c- come f - for me i - i missed you baby come to me". A very weak and tired voice came from left corner.
"Jimin where are you I can hear but i can't see babe where are you tell me". Joon asked once again going further into the house his was shouting loudly to run away.
"I- in th- the kitchen". The voice said it was so broken that younger felt pain from that.
"Why are you in kitchen?" Joon asked going beside the counter his heart was beating really fast.
"I- I ne- needed food t- the- they didn't give m- me". Jimin said shuttering a lot his eyes has dark circles his body looked very weak.
"What ? Why?"joon asked bending towards him and grabbing his cold face with his warm hands.
"I - i killed the n- nurse I don't regret it" jimin said finally looking at joon's face.
"Why did you do that?"joon asked his voice the fear but his legs were freeze.
"He called you something I don't like joonie he tried to steal you from me don't go joon". Jimin said smiling tugging joon's long here behind his ear.
"I'll not b....but you have to go back you have to be treated after that we will back to be normal and start a new life ok"joon said trying to stand jimin up.
"I- I'm hungry joon- ah I want eat something first". Jimin said sitting back his all weight was on kitchen's wall.
"I'll make you something wait there is surely a can food".joon said leaving and opening all the cabinets.
"Joon- ah lets run away from here i don't like Korea we will in America".jimin said lowly.
"No, you're going back to the hospital and after that I'll ask yoongi hyung".joon said fearfully he can feel jimin behind him too close.
"YOONGI you're talking to that guy again". Jimin said grabbing joon's neck harshly choking him.
"He is the one I'm liveing with after you done that thing to me".joon said struggling but finally jimin leaved him.
"You're making me insane i can't loose you i need you joon".jimin said pulling his own here harshly.
"But i need him jimin after you went to the asylum i was so scared-".joon said wiping his eyes every two second.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry my love but we need to be together so you can't leave me".jimin said grabbing something behind his back.
"What does it mean jimin?" Joon asked who got pushed by jimin.
"You're not leaving this house and no body can enter joon if we have to separate than i will lock you here with me".jimin said locking the doors with automatic keys throwing it somewhere in house.
"No, jimin we will meet once you recover from after that I promise baby let's go back".joon said backing away from him he was still on his butt.
"Joon no don't move I'll..... Don't force me joon please".jimin said when struggle with joon who was trying to snatch the gun from him joon landed on him.
"You will not do that i know you love me".joon said he was under jimin his hand was grabbing the gun with so much power.
"That's why I'm telling you joon let run away I don't want this too if you leave me I'll die and the think i  can't die without you".jimin said caressing his cheeks and smiling.
"What? No jimin please JIMIN". Joon tried to stop jimin to kill himself and bullet come from the gun and it shooted joon he is hands on gun loosed his face was relaxing the red liquid came from his chest.

7 days later:-

"Are you sure it's coming from Mr. Park's house". A male in his uniform asked.
"I'm sure officer it's 7 days and the smell getting more and more worse". Male said with horrified look on his face.
"Than i will see do you know anyone that has the keys because my officer can't open that". Cop said showing the door.
"He has sister and his husband has some friends who often come here". Male said thinking about them maybe he has no. Of them or anything that can help.
"Than I'll try to call them don't worry". Cop said leaving the male who noded.
"Sir the door is opened and their two dead bodies". Officer said giving the reports.
"Mr. Park Jimin and Mr. Kim namjoon it's the last case we were handling i think one of them killed himself 3 days ago". Cop said showing the reports.
"Call their relatives and how did it happen i mean what is the cause of death".cop said thinking.

"NAMJOON ,NO" jungkook yelled throwing his body on joon's dead body.
"HYUNG IM SO SORRY I WAS NOT HERE FOR NO, JOON". Tae said crying harder he was having a problem to breath.
"calm down kook he can't listen it's so late we came late".yoongi said with silent tears in his eyes.
"But hyung i didn't give him the birthday gift". Tae said looking at joon's body.
"I know baby but....". Yoongi has no power to say something.
"But what? He has to come back yoongi tell him to come back". hoseok and Jin was yelling to the doctor.
Jimin's sister was crying alot with doc he was the only family to her. Everything fall apart they were not alone who was suffering some was still suffering with his lovers psychopathic brain.

Jimin said true joon was going to live with or die with him he can't leave him alone not in this world nor in Nether world.
Namjoon was his only his.
Like he said:-

"I'm like a cage and namjoon is beautiful bird I never let him go even after death I'll buried with him. If you came in my world KIM NAMJOON YOU WILL FOREVER LIVE HERE WITH YOUR PARK JIMIN".


The end.


I don't know if the ending is good I already give my 💯 %.

Thank you for reading my book pyscho.

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