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It was night before proposing namjoon and after the dirty play. jimin was fighting with his inner thought about namjoon being a cheater in this relationship.
"He is not cheater I know he loved me" jimin said with smile looking at mirror.
"But you hurt him by Playing some dirty things to him". Jimin as different man appear on the mirror.
"I know I'm sorry he doesn't gonna leave me right?"jimin asked that mirror jimin reasoning his face with water.
"But you saw on camera that he and seokjin was in your room for an hour". Another reflection come up smrinking.
"Yes I saw maybe I got cheated by him"jimin said pulling his hair that was wet now.
"No,no namjoon fought his parents for you jimin how can he cheat and also seokjin think him as a younger brother" said the first reflection smiling.
"Yaa seokjin is a good guy he can't do this to me"jimin said smiling at the reflection.
"But a good guy  can change after seeing joonie he is so beautiful his curves, his plum lips his soft ass any one can change you also changed" the second reflection point out.
"I changed yes I changed for him cold heartless CEO but now I'm cheerful he can't  do this to me he loved"jimin said sliding at the wall of bathroom.
"But you cheated him his and drake relationship was going well before you entered in korea"that reflection come out from the mirror and grabbed jimin's face.
"I didn't....anything that bastard was hooking with everyone he saw that was bad for joon and I saw the care for me in his eyes he loves me "jimin said throwing a bottle of shampoo on the wall.
"What the fuck why did you broke that if namjoon know you hurt yourself and a psycho he'll leave you"reflection said titling his head in disbelief.
"I am not going to free him from my cage he is mine"jimin said pulling himself and going out from the bathroom to living room.

Present time jimin was still on his knees his hand was carrying diamond ring waiting for joon's answer.
"Say something joon oh I can't hide anymore"jin said coming from hiding spot.
"Is he fainted why he is not saying anything"yoongi asked from couch.
"Maybe he is shocked joonie say something"kook said from behind tae.
" you and I...ll marry you..hyung".namjoon said in tiny voice and crying.
"Really I love you babe omg going explode from happiness".jimin said spinning namjoon by his waist in the air.
"Omo They're really cute right tae"hoseok said with fake cry.
"Yaa hoseok hyung now I wanna see their children Playing around us"tae said with extra dramatically.
"They are man" yoongi said ruining the fun of tae.
"Don't ruin the moment yoongi and they can adopt"jin said smaking yoongi's head.
"Beside jimin hyung is rich". kook said munching on chocolate which found in gifts
"Are eating joonie's gifted chocolates because jimin looked pissed when I used namjoon's hoodie"hoseok said poking kooks cheek.
"What are you talking about?"kook asked after gulping the chocolate piece.
"That was jimin's gifted him that hoodie and also jimin gifted that chocolate"hoseok said looking at his nails and than jimin.
"Don't tell him ok he doesn't saw me yet"kook said sliding the box under sofa.

Now he is mine.

To be continued.....
Hey! I forgot what was going to say to you all.

Hopefully you liked it 😁

Thank you 😊
Written by ARYA......

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