Day 24, Ditch, Earthwax

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With a grunt she heaved herself out of the ditch left by a hurrying stampede of hares. Her mushhat sat askew on her head, and her tail had gotten tangled in some dug up roots. Grunting and cursing, she fixed the mushhat and tugged on her tail, even though it hurt. She picked up her bags from the wet earth, wiping off the worst of it until she could find a puddle or something to clean it up better. The ditch was not particularly deep, but she followed it north instead of climbing out of it. If she was lucky she might find some minerals to sell on the market for when she came back. She smoothed out her tail as she walked, tutting at the messy tuft of hair at the tip. She had barely followed the ditch for a quarter of an hour when she tripped over something protruding from the ground. With a curse on the tip of her tongue she whipped around to the offending object. That's when she realised that it was earthwax. Not a particularly expensive mineral, but for the right customer she could make at least fifty white pebbles. With a grin she started digging.

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