Day 12, Eye, Medal

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Mavis had an eye for finding edible plants in the wild, she always had. It had been a huge help when she started to wander the continents. While she still didn't know the difference between the scent of peppermint and ground ivy, she could at least tell them apart lookwise. The princeling that she had borderline adopted complained each day, and most nights, and mornings, had kind of grown on her. At first like a weed, then like a very persistent pimple, and now like a dandelion. Annoying as fuck, but kind of pretty. The one thing she liked most about him was that while he complained, he still actually tried to learn stuff. Hadn't she become a wanderer, she would have made one hell of a nurse maid. Not that she ever would have liked that life. She touched the medal around her neck slightly. A sign of a life left behind, and a sign of survival. When the princeling found his princess, Mavis would like to try to settle down somewhere. Maybe get some animals, harvest some crops. Spend her days fishing or reading. That would be a great vacation.

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