Chapter 3 (REDONE 11/10/22)

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               Today was the day Charlotte and I were going to drive back up to the campus to move into our dorms. My car was little more than big enough to keep all our items in the back. My clothes, computer, and toiletries made up most of what I packed. Charlotte's family had been arranged to pick up the food items I wouldn't be able to take with me so it wouldn't go to waste. Everything had gotten picked up half an hour ago, and I was set to pick Charlotte up in another forty-five minutes. The only thing heavy dwelling on my mind was the fact that I still had no idea what exactly I was getting into. Everything else was only a matter of curiosity and figuring myself out as I went. Hoping for good was all I could do.

               With my remaining time, I opted to shower. This time I didn't cover the mirror when I got out. My thoughts were so active that my head was buzzing; I hardly had the capacity to notice anything. Adrenaline surged up my spine and crawled down my limbs. It lit up every single one of my nerves despite the dullness of the moment. My body was shaking. I took deep breaths to try to help it.

               After struggling to pull my clothes on, I hurried back to my room. A text from Charlotte was waiting for me. Anticipation riddled my entire body as I checked it.

               This is it, I thought. Today's the day. There's no going back after this. The idea scared me, but made me happy at the same time. Adrenaline was still on my tail while I packed my things into my car. I had to take a few deep breaths while I settled into the driver's seat. Music would make good company on the road today. I put on my comfort instrumental playlist before turning the key. With that I sped off to get Charlotte.

               The two of us were content to sit with the music as our company. It made the drive feel shorter and I was thankful for that. By the time I got up to my dorm, I couldn't stop bouncing around. Endorphins, adrenaline, and serotonin were invading me faster than I could process. I made quick work of hanging my schedule next to my bed. My things got set out and up in an organized way.

               I analyzed the room one last time once I finished. The area was a very lovely wood finish that had plenty of space. The kitchen was on the immediate left of the front door, the bathroom was straight to the right, and the main living room was up a small step a few feet from the door. The first bedroom was a straight line from the front door next to a hexagonal corner on its right. On the right wall past the corner was the bedroom I claimed. There was a window and a small entertainment center on the left wall.

               The turn of the knob was smooth when I opened the door to go outside. I snagged my wallet and keys on the way by. My thoughts left my body on autopilot. The shopping center I saw during the tour seemed perfect. The garden themed store was most likely to have cute things like door decorations and LED lights. Curtain fabric, stickers, and posters would probably be in the craft center. Everything I needed was just a matter of looking in the right places. This room was going to be perfect!

               I got whisked out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone and fell onto my butt. My bags got dropped in the process. It hurt, but it probably wasn't as painful as the hot coffee I'd spilled down his front.

               "Oh my goodness I am so sorry!" I cried, hurrying to stand up. The fact that we were outside slipped my mind, and I tried to find something to clean it up with. Defeated, I looked back to the man in front of me. "You have shopping to do right? At least let me buy you a new shirt so you don't have to walk around with that spill," I insisted. He had a soft smile on his face and chuckled to himself, shaking his head a little. Confusion left my lips parted slightly.

               "It's quite alright," he spoke not very much above a mumble. Even at that very low volume it was clear to tell he was British. He had the smoothest accent I'd ever heard. "Accidents happen, though I will take you up on that shirt offer." He smiled heartily and I found myself returning it. The two of us moved towards the nearest clothing store. Before I knew it, we were checking out and I was handing him the shirt. He turned to me when we reached the outside again.

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