Chapter 8

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It's been around a month since I stopped being Krell's padawan, and due to my apparent strength in the force and 'advanced' skill with a lightsaber Master Windu was just chosen as my new master. "Padawan, would you mind explaining to me how you got Padawan Tano pregnant?" He asked, in the middle of a hallway which quickly got stares from people, "we were intoxicated and we slept together," I replied "I know you're lying," he growled which made me back a little "why are you backing up?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face. I just looked up in fear as I fell down, he then had some sort of realisation "sorry, I forgot about what happened with your previous master," he said kneeling down and putting a hand on my shoulder "you're not gonna hit me?" I mumbled, I could sense his shock "I would never," Master Windu assured and I instantly hugged him.

After showing Master Windu what I can do I went to my quarters. Only to find Ahsoka resting on the bed. "Hey," she muttered as I walked over "hey, is something wrong?" I asked rubbing her thigh "I feel unwell, and scared. Togruta pregnancies last much shorter than those of most other species," Ahsoka replied "how long do they last? And what are you scared of?" I asked "they last about three months, and I'm scared that because only Masters Windu, Yoda, Kenobi and Anakin know about me being pregnant that I'll be sent on a mission too dangerous and the kid will be killed before their even born," she explained, I held her hands in mine and kissed her now quite a bit bigger stomach "everything is gonna be alright," I assured. I laid down next to her and stared into her eyes, "do you remember day we met? The night where a mandalorian 'showed you a good time'?" I asked "I do, how could I not? Then when we got back you said 'a mandalorian huh? They are known for being good in bed'," she replied "then I must ask, was I good that night on Naboo?" I asked "the best," "well, I'm a mandalorian," I stated surprising her. "Why didn't you tell me?!" She yelled sounding upset "I was ashamed of it," I mumbled "what was that?" Ahsoka growled, making me instinctively back up in fear, "I-I'm a-ashamed of-f it-it," I said. She then remembered about Krell and hugged me, "I'm so sorry," she said "I-I know," I replied as Ahsoka's communicator went off. I looked and saw it's Master Plo, Ahsoka answered while still in my arms which made it so the three people there saw: Masters Plo, Mundi and Secura. "Padawans, why are you... entangled?" Master Mundi asked "because I'm pregnant, and he's comforting me through it," Ahsoka replied. "We have a mission for you Little 'Soka, we need you to capture Ventress," Master Plo explained "can I go with her Master?" I asked "yes, I doubt you'd let her go without you, either way," he replied and ended the transmission. "So more and more people are finding out about us, great," Ahsoka mumbled.

We arrived at the coordinates of the last place Ventress was seen to find hundreds of droids. I looked at Ahsoka who was surprisingly nervous, "hey, what's wrong?" I asked "you already know what's wrong," she replied as we landed. The door to the ship opened and we ran out and began cutting up droids. I noticed one was about to shoot Ahsoka in the back so I quickly crushed it with the force. She sent a grateful smile at me and we continued deflecting blaster bolts and cutting up clankers. After a few minutes I heard a scream, I looked in its direction and saw Ahsoka had gotten hit in the shoulder. I ran over and began covering her, I locked my saber so the blade wouldn't deactivate and threw it. I flew around cutting up droids as I activated the darksaber and deflected blaster bolts. It didn't take long before Ventress had jumped into the battle, "call the droids off," I growled "why would I do that Handsome?" She purred "because otherwise you die," I snarled as I caught my other lightsaber. She then charged and had quickly recognised Ahsoka as a weak point for my defence so she had begun aiming for her. "Anything you do to Ahsoka I'll do to you ten times over," I threatened "oh really? I doubt that," Ventress scowled as she began force choking Ahsoka. I then began using the force to enhance my movements and strength and I soon stabbed her in the chest. She fell to the ground and called off the droids, I began to cut off her limbs one by one. Starting with each finger she was screaming in pain, then each toe and when I was done it was just her head and upper torso. I then sliced off her head. "You alright?" I asked hugging Ahsoka "you just tortured Ventress before killing her, no, I'm not!" She yelled, I cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes "do you want me to say it? Do you want me to admit that I'm not perfect? Guess what, yeah I have a lot of anger built up. Yes, I'm protective of you. It means, I love you," I ranted before realising everything I had just said "y-you love me?" She asked losing her anger almost instantly "of course," I replied "I love you too," Ahsoka said and pulled me into a kiss.

We arrived back on Coruscant with Ventress' head in a bag. We went to the Chancellor's office and when we arrived we found him alone doing some paperwork. "Ah, padawans, how are you?" He asked "good Chancellor, actually... I have a gift for you," I replied walking up to his desk and dropping Ventress' head on it. "Oh my," he muttered "I'm... a little protective over Ahsoka," I said "oh? It was my belief that jedi weren't allowed relationships?" He asked "they're not gonna expel Kenobi's son," I chuckled and left.

We got back to the temple and I could see Master Windu waiting, and looking furious no less. "Padawan, you lost yourself in anger," he growled "s-sorry," I muttered "sorry won't cut it! It isn't the jedi way to torture!" He yelled. 'That's it' I thought, I looked him in the eyes, furious at him. "Well how do you think I've been raised for most of my life?! You've all been ignorant to the way Krell treated me, then when it's found out you don't do a thing to punish him! So I'm sorry if I'm a little traumatised or furious! I'm sorry I can't be myself!" I yelled before falling to the ground in tears. I felt arms wrap around me and looked to see it's Ahsoka. "Dadda?" I looked around until I saw Master Kenobi holding Ashla, he put her down and she crawled over to us. She hugged my head and I smiled a little looking at her, "missed you," I whispered.

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