Taking care

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A/N: I started writing this in the middle of the night while feeling like crap, so it's a venting thing. I wrote it as platonic, but take it how you want it

You texted Hawks in the middle of the night again. You knew he was almost always up at this time anyway, and if he by some miracle wasn't he could answer you in the morning.

"You got a minute? I wanna vent" you sent him.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" he shot back almost instantly.

"I've noticed myself getting bad again. I haven't showered in almost a week and I haven't left my apartment either. I just feel like shit"

Hawks sighed when he saw your second message. He wasn't that far from your place, so he decided to fly over.

"I'll be there soon" he sent, not looking at his phone for an answer.

When he got to your window, he hovered for a bit before gently knocking on the glass.

You opened the window, the action accompanied by a sigh and an eyeroll.

"I didn't really ask for any company" you said as he flew into the room.

"You're getting it anyway, I've got nothing to do for the next couple of hours" he shrugged and kicked his shoes off.

"Oh yes, by all means, make yourself at home" you said and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Hawks sat down next to you and said: "You wanted to vent, so vent"

"I'm pretty sure that applying to schools and getting rejected from the jobs I applied to, is making me feel like crap, but I hate this. You'd think I'd be used to having these lows by now, but every time I start going towards rock bottom it's like I've never been there before and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do" you groaned and tussled your hair in frustration.

"Do you remember what you did before to get out of those slumps?" Hawks asked.

"Honestly, I don't, and that sucks, because I could really use something to make me feel better"

"Well, first of all, you could go take a shower, while I go get you some food"

"Fiiineeee" you groaned.

Sometimes it was easier to do things when someone told you what to do, so you grabbed your towel and went to take a shower, while Hawks went to get you something to eat.

When you got out of the shower, you wrapped yourself in a towel, and dried your hair into a different one. You went back into your room and pulled on some comfortable clothes and before long Hawks was knocking on your door with a bag of food and a grin on his face.

You sat down at the kitchen table and Hawks started taking the things he had bought out of the grocery bag.

"I brought you your favorite juice, and a candy bar, and of course some pre-made meals you can just heat up in the microwave" he said.

"Thank you" you sniffled.

"Hey, it's okay, sometimes you need someone to take care of you" he said softly.

"I know, but needing help makes me feel weak, even though sometimes that's the only way for me to move forward" you sighed.

"There's no shame in feeling weak every now and then, you just need to learn to ask for help" he smiled.

"Yeah..." you muttered, wiping your eyes with your sleeve so the tears wouldn't start falling.

Hawks loved you, even when you were at your worst, even when you weren't able to take care of yourself. He knew that sometimes you just needed a bit of help, and he was happy to drag you along every now and then when you needed it.

Hawks/Takami KeigoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt