All of it

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A/N: This is again one that I started in the middle of the night... It went kinda all over the place, but oh well

You were sitting on top of your apartment building with Keigo by your side. You were sitting on the edge and he was leaning on it next to you. He had been late this week, you had almost walked back to your apartment, but then he had swooped in. You cherished these moments, a few hours every week was all you two got together, and even though it was nowhere near enough, you managed. Somehow, you managed.

"Do you ever just... want to not be here anymore?" you asked as you hang your legs over the edge of the building.

"How about you get down from there and we can talk about that?" he asked cautiously, his wings opening slightly.

"It's not like I'm gonna jump you silly bird, I'm just asking a question" you chuckled, but he could hear a certain sadness in your voice.

His wings moved shut on his back and he sighed: "So, why you asking then?"

"I just... it's kinda hard to explain when I don't know what I'm feeling myself" you sighed.

"Just say what comes to mind, I can piece it together" he smirked.

"It's not like I want to die, not now anyway, I would just like to not exist for a while, or like be on autopilot or something"

"I know that feeling, but I don't think that's really possible. I think it's also not a very acceptable way to feel if that makes sense, people don't really understand it" he said.

"Aaaargh, I wish I could just turn my consciousness off for a while" you groaned.

"I get feeling like that, but would it actually help? Would you be happier after that?" Keigo asked, leaning his chin on his hands against the ledge.

"To be honest, no clue, but you don't know until you try, right? But don't worry I'm not gonna put myself into a coma or anything"

"I wouldn't let you anyway, I'd stop you from doing something dumb like that"

"You can't watch me all the time you know" you smirked.

"Can you not joke about that? You're actually making me really worried"

"You don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine"

"I'll always worry, you can't stop me from doing that" he announced.

"I know..." you sighed.

"I know I'm not around much, and you know why I can't be, but I hope that you know that you mean the world to me" he said after a while of silence.

"So when can we stop sneaking around? I know the hero safety commission doesn't really approve of you having personal relationships, but..."

"It won't be long now, or at least I hope so" Keigo said and grabbed your hand. "Just be a bit more patient, okay?"

"I will, but it would be so nice to be able to do this" -you squeezed his hand- "without having to worry about what might happen or what people think"

"I know, and I promise that time will come soon"

"I hope so" you sighed and looked up at the evening sky.

Keigo didn't really know what to say to convince you, so he had to just settle for holding your hand and trying to reassure you through his touch. He wanted more, he wanted to spend all his time with you and hold you close. He wanted to keep you safe from all the bad things he knew were out there, and in a way he already was. Keeping away from you for most of the time was keeping you safe, but he absolutely hated it. He hated that he couldn't sleep in the same bed with you or that he didn't get the chance to argue with you about whose way of making coffee was correct. He wanted all the little things, he wanted it all, but he couldn't have it.

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