Death Looming Over

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But because she had a heart that was too big for her own good, she constantly drained her finite strength on pulling the injured out of death's reach and forming water barriers around those unable to protect themselves from life-threatening attacks.

Too consumed by her will to make sure no lives were lost under her arms reach, she did not notice the tightness that had formed in her chest or that raging fever that constantly pulsed in her head.

She was far too busy to notice the pain that she was in.

The amount of breaths she took in a minute was rapid and her sweat only collected around her forehead as her head throbbed uncontrollably. If she were to suddenly pause she would collapse from all the immense pain that had gathered up in her frail body.

Irin glanced around and searched for a clear direction to get to Whitebeard but she was still far away. Frustration built up in her as her brows stitched together and her lips trembled; there was the look of hopelessness and despair drawn onto her face.

It was almost as if she was about to break down in tears due to her feelings of helplessness.

She watched as the Pacifista's fired their shots and she watched the look of despair grow on the face of her fellow friends, the Whitebeard Pirates' allies.

Silently cursing to herself she lunged forward again, her will and determination blocking her sense of pain. Nay, her pain was numbed by her overwhelming worry and fear.

The crowd ahead of her only got thicker as the Pirates charged into the Navy's stronghold while exchanging life-endangering blows with them.

A swing of her arm.

A thick barrier of water formed.

She dared not to send her fist flying for she could not add more damage to this war on either side.

There were many Marines who were just simply called to war when they had a family to return to, there were many who did not want to risk their lives for this cause, and yet there were many who died for this war.

The ground began to shake and there was a certain commotion occurring far ahead of her, around Whitebeard.

"Those of you who'll follow me, lay down your lives for it!"

Pops' voice rang throughout the chaotic air of the war, catching the attention of the pink haired girl as she jerked upwards and craned her neck to try to see her family.

Then came the cries of war and agreement from the fellow pirates.

A small smile grew on her face, and though her brows were still furrowed with worry evident on her face, she needed to believe in their capabilities.

Her hopes were like a fickle candle that could be easily blown out by the wind of this war, but as easy as it was to go small, her flame of hope never went out and could be reignited just as easily.

But as she clung onto her hope, the icy ground began to rumble as the encircling wars fought its way upwards to form barriers around the Marineford Plaza. Irin gasped as she noticed the amount of Marines who suddenly flooded the Plaza, retreating from the frozen land of sea. At the sight of the sudden influx of Marines in the Plaza, she knew at once that they had activated the encircling walls, but before they rose, she was hellbent on reaching Pops and treating his wound.

Not knowing her current state would not allow her to do so...

With a body far too weak to heal herself, it was only natural for her to not be able to heal others, but because her thoughts were all cluttered up into a mess, she could only focus on the things she wanted to achieve; and that was to keep the people she deeply cared for alive.

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