"Oh is that so?" She smiled mischievously at Katsuki which made him grunt. "We better be going then, thanks for watching this brat (M/N)."

"It's my pleasure,"

"I hope he wasn't being a brat."

"He isn't at all,"

"Bye (Y/N)-chan," Mitsuki waves at you.

"Bye-bye!" You wave at them.

After they both left, Katsuki earned a smack and a lecture at home from his mother. It did suck for him and he was grounded for three days because of his actions.

His mother and he visited regularly for the two to play with each other. He did kinda enjoy it since Izuku wasn't there and who knows what Katsuki could've done when he was included.



Katsuki snapped out of his daydream and looked at you.

You blinked and said. "You seemed to be thinking deeply,"

Katsuki lowered his head. "I-it's nothing...." he mumbled.

"The sun is shining look." You said.

The rain slowly decreases as the sun peeks out of the gray clouds even if it is still raining.

Katsuki couldn't care less about what the sky had to offer him, he was fixated on you and how you were pretty much glowing from what he used to say a long time ago 'stupid' look on your face.

You turned around and met Katsuki's eyes and frowned at him. "Is something wrong with my face?" You asked worriedly.

Katsuki blinked and shook his head. "W-what?! No!" He said quickly avoiding your gaze.

You looked at him suspiciously. "But you were—"

"I said it was nothing!" He snapped realizing he was still holding your hands and he immediately let go.

You two were left in an awkward silence avoiding each other gaze. For a solid two minutes, none of you speak which is something you couldn't handle. The tension was killing you (not in a literal way) as you quickly stood up from your seat.

"So listen... I-I uhh" you trailed off as Katsuki watched you. "I uh... I gotta go!" You exclaimed in embarrassment and ran in the opposite direction leaving Katsuki behind.

Katsuki was dumbfounded as he just watched you run away from him. He stopped himself from grabbing your arm just to keep you in place since he knew that the blame was on him since he was acting irrationally towards you.

You felt your cheeks burning in embarrassment from what had happened. You rush towards your house and swing the front door open only to be greeted by your aunt.

"(Y/N)?!" Your aunt stands in front of the doorway in shock seeing you soaked in the rain. "Why are you wet?" She asked.

"I-I—" you stammer as she puts a hand over your forehead.

"Are you sick?"


"Get inside now and take a warm bath before you catch a cold." She didn't let you explain then grabbed your arm and dragged you inside the house.

You sigh and take off your clothes as you remember you had Katsuki's blazer. You let out a groan cringing in embarrassment.

"Stupid." You mumble to yourself. "Now I  have his uniform! I have to return it to him!" You let out a groan.

After a few minutes of self-talk and criticizing,  you slowly take a dip in the bathtub and slowly sit in it. 

"I wonder if he has some extra blazers with him? He wouldn't mind if he had gone missing for a while?"

You take a warm shower as you get out of the bathroom drying your hair. Your phone vibrates on the table and you pick it up and open the message.

A smile appeared on your lips as you sent a reply.

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