Ch 18: The Golden Egg💛/A Wedding(900 READS SPECIAL!😃🎉 prt 2 last prt)

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A/N: HERE'S PART 2 OF CHAPPIES 18 Y'ALL! & SURPRISE! LAST PART GUYS!😃🎉 AUNTIE/UNCLE FREDDIE'S HERE YAAY~!😘🤗 HAPPY BELATED EASTER! Hope you guys got some chocolate from the hunny bunny~! 🙂❣❤✨



Date: April 17, 2022
Location: same location from ch 17
Time: mid 6 AM, L.A. time


The third floor of the Nelson-Jackson family household dressing rooms with their own shower rooms were already occupied by Caprico's aunts and uncles. Mostly his father's family, Michael's brothers and sisters along with his Papa Prince's sister and her husband are here fixing themselves up and ready for Capri and Wayne's official wedding that is today~. The only women and man that were in the same room as Caprico is his Papa, who is braiding both sides of his son's curly flushed long, afro hair as Capri is sat in a chair in front of the dressing room mirror. His aunt Dunk or Janet is here along with his Papa's two other sister-in-laws, his father's sisters Auntie LaToya and Tyka. As well as who is getting herself dressed and ready into her bridesmaids dress, Capri's sister Zendaya was in the room with the two oldest siblings aunts present as she walks back and forth in the back room lighting of the opened large bathroom shower, that's enough to fit in eight people.

Caprico was already dressed in his pearl white wedding jumpsuit but his wedding silk cape was the last thing that he wanted to put on after his hair is finished so the silk won't get covered in small curls from the ends of his hair as his Papa skillfully braids and brushes out the ends to make the braiding in his afro long hair easier. His aunt Dunk already done his makeup, it wasn't much, just an amount of powdering makeup on his skin and his lips worn lip gloss, mascara and eyebrows were covered an hour ago after he got dressed in his wedding jumpsuit dress.

Aunt Tyka was helping Zen getting into her bridesmaids dress and doing her makeup as it has been comfortable silence between all of them. And Capri's Papa didn't mind the peaceful morning silence as outside of the room's windows show that the L.A. sun is taking it's time to rise for a beautiful, Easter morning and a good sign for a joyous wedding for the couple~. Speaking of the older women in the family and his Papa helping Caprico getting him ready and perfect for the two in a half hours away from his wedding, Prince had his oldest son's father and his Uncle Freddie who had stayed here in the Nelson-Jackson family household for the Spring holiday weekend, to help get Wayne dressed up and ready in his wedding suit along with his husband's brothers there too.

The men were in another dressing room as well just on the right side of where Caprico and his aunts and sister and his Papa were in with him as it's the protocols of not seeing each other in they'd wedding outfits before the actual wedding begins.

But besides that, Capri's cousins and friends of the family and his other step uncles and their husbands and wives are also expected to arrive around 7:30 as 8 AM is officially the time that his wedding ready starts. His little brother Wynter is sat in the spare king sized bed in the room where he, his sister and his Papa and aunts are, occupied himself with his Nintendo switch watching Coco Melon as he has already been in a cute baby boy light blue tux vest and a white dress shirt along with black dress pants, a light blue little boy's dress tie too add with his big brother's Easter wedding outfit~. He wears his ear buds so he's been pretty quiet and comfortable in the silence as well as his big brother is getting focused on being dressed and ready.

While seated in the chair as he let's his Papa braid the left side of his hair after gelling his baby hairs into beautiful small curls on the sides of his hairline with skilled care of his old fingers~, Caprico has both his arms laid on his lap, his elbows on the arm rests of the chair as he quietly, gives his flat stomach slow and comforting touches. In his mind, they were proud and joyful thoughts after the oldest Nelson-Jackson son was at a doctor's appointment last Sunday to see if he was pregnant or not with his soon-to-be husband's child~. So as Capri takes in the comfortable silence of the dressing room, giving his still-flat tummy slow rubs with his thumbs on each side he reminds himself that he also has the biggest responsibility of holding a child~.

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