Ch 17: The Golden Egg💛/Early April(800+ READS SPECIAL!😃🎉🎉 prt 1)

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A/N: Hello you all my luvs again~! 🙂❣ I'm doing well sorry-not-sorry for leaving you all so sudden like that last weekend I was in a family meeting for importance that shall not be mentioned cuz it's my problem! No 1 died tho! No worries like I said but half of this was written last Sunday so y'all in luck w/ a surprise visit to you all to make up my absences! Here it is~! 🤗❣❤



Date: April 12, 2022
Location: in between the Nelson-Jackson family household/hospital-clinic L.A., Santa Barbara
Time: morning dusk, L.A. Hollywood time


It's been another two weeks since Caprico and his soon-to-be husband Lil Wayne had sent on they'd dinner date and three weeks since they've been having a lot of hot fucking sex whenever Wayne stops by home on the weekends of break from touring. With Wayne mostly trying to finish his touring and concerts along with Capri helping out with his Papa to continue the decorations and set-ups for his upcoming wedding~. The two wanted to have a "Easter Golden Egg Brunch Wedding" with BOTH of their families included. Speaking of Easter that's around the corner, Capri's late brother Evelyn, has a birthday coming up after Easter Day as well, so there's more planning and keeping himself with his Papa along with his father Michael and oldest sister Zen to be occupied rather worry about their feelings on Evelyn's 23rd birthday right after~.

But today is important for Caprico as he gets himself ready to get out to his car and drive back home to meet with his Papa to finish decorating the family invited tables for his wedding.

Caprico also had a bright idea while he and Wayne were figuring out the location of their wedding and if they wanted it to be privately at home. Capri mentioned that his parents has a barn out on the ranch valley of their home mansion where Capri's father kept a few of his hourses, chickens, baby sheep and baby pigs too in the smaller side barn with the red wood besides the humongous white family home barn with its luxurious windows and an old country wagon with its ranch valley name's sign next to trees and a dirt road on the left side of the white barn. The family's white barn is where Capri's Papa's new therapy cat Chaka Coon likes to take walks over and do her cat adventuring stuff~. So, the two men made a decision to hold their private home holiday wedding there~. The repainting and window renovations were made by his Papa Prince a few years back as the family home barn began losing its wood color. It's a beautiful ranch barn and costed A LOT along with the family mansion home too and Capri's parents loved it~. And having a private wedding at Capri's luxurious family home barn is just what the two soon-to-be husbands had wanted and didn't want to spend to have their wedding anywhere else~.

Before the Nelson-Jackson son could head downstairs to the garage parking lot, Capri began feeling his throat hitched in an unnerved feeling after smelling coffee from downstairs as the servants of Wayne began putting together iced coffee and tea for him when ready to take. But Capri suddenly, couldn't smell, more like didn't LIKE the smell and rushed over into his and Wayne's empty bathroom after slipping on his flat shoes. It didn't feel right to Capri as he spills out contents in the toilet bowl while holding stomach with his left hand. Was it the shrimp cocktail tray that he ate at the Mediterain restaurant he went to last weekend with remeeting up with his sister Zen after her weekend at the Oscar's?

What the fuck...?

This felt... weird as Capri took a moment to spit out the last from the vial taste of throw up he just made in the toilet bowl and stayed layed on his knees, reaching for the cotton thick toilet paper beside his left shoulder. He closes his eyes while wiping at his mouth and disposing the toilet paper and finally flushing the toilet. He lifts himself up with the edge of the strong marble bathroom counter at his left and the automatic fabreez sprays the smell of his mess as Capri slides over to the silver bathroom sinks.

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