04. Second Chance at First Line (Part Two)

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Stiles was starting to become exasperated, too, and yelled in response. "What was I supposed to do with it?"

Scottie, becoming more sick due to her proximity to the wolfsbane, groaned loudly again, as though she was about to transform, before she shouted, "Stop the car!" She looked at Stiles, who turned to look back at her and was horrified to see Scottie's eyes turn bright gold. Stiles' eyes widened as she immediately slammed on the brakes.


As soon as the car was in park, Stiles grabbed her backpack and threw herself out of the Jeep, running toward the edge of the woods and tossing the bag as far as she could throw it to get as much distance away from Scottie as possible. Once it was out of eyesight, Stiles threw her head back and sighed deeply before turning back toward the Jeep.

"Okay, we're good, you can-" Stiles cut herself off as she looked up at the Jeep and was horrified when she saw that the vehicle was completely empty. "Scottie?"

When Stiles walked closer to the Jeep, she saw the passenger door was wide open like the driver's door, indicating that Scottie had fully shifted and had run off in broad daylight. Fearful of the possible things Scottie could do while not in her right mind, Stiles plaintively called out for Scottie one last time.


Panicked, Stiles was speeding down the road through the woods as she called the police on speaker phone and began a conversation with a very impatient dispatcher who seemed very used to Stiles calling him.

"Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty."

"I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls...?"

"Odd how?"

"Uh, like, an odd person, or..." She struggled to come up with an example that didn't sound like she was trying to find out if anyone had seen a Werewolf running through Beacon Hills. "A dog-like individual roaming the streets...?"

The dispatcher, out of patience, put an end to their conversation. "I'm hanging up on you now."

Stiles, panicked and desperate to find Scottie before she hurt somebody, tried to get him to reconsider. "No! Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!"


The dispatcher hung up, and Stiles angrily turned off her phone before throwing it onto the passenger seat, where Scottie had left a stack of Stiles' research sitting there. The phone landed on a photo of a huge, wolf-man-like creature with red eyes, similar to the wolf who bit Scottie, holding a young, unconscious woman in his arms.


Alec was sitting at his desk, where a box full of his belongings was sitting beside her. He started to unpack the box and put framed pictures on the top of the desk. Scottie was on the roof of the garage, in full-Werewolf-mode.

When she saw him through the window, she slid down the side so she could get a closer look. Through the window, she could see Alec smiling as he looked at some of the photos he'd found. She continued to crawl closer and closer to the window when suddenly, Alec got up and closed his curtains. Without a light behind the window, Scottie could see herself in the glass and was horrified by the sight of her Werewolf face and jumped down off of the roof to run away, only to run directly into the SUV pulling into the driveway, which screeched to a loud halt. Scottie flew up and onto the windshield before sliding off and landing in a heap on the other side of the vehicle.

The driver's door opens, and Chrissy Argent gets out quickly, horrified by the sight of Scottie laying on the ground in front of her before quickly rushing over to help her.

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