03. Second Chance at First Line (Part One)

Start from the beginning

Jaxon got back to her position in mid-field as Scottie returns to the front of the line-up for one-on-ones; though her eyes were no longer glowing gold, she still looked angry yet determined. After a moment, Coach blew her whistle to have them start.

"Let's go!" Coach said.

Scottie ran full-speed at Jaxon, gripping her lacrosse stick hard as she collided with Jaxon, her right shoulder hitting Jaxon right in the collarbone on the same side. Jaxon fell backwards, landing flat on her back in the grass just as Scottie had just done earlier, and clutched her right shoulder in pain.

Stiles, panicked, ran over to Scottie to check on her while everyone else was distracted by Jaxon. Scottie's fangs had come out, and her eyes were glowing bright gold again as she desperately tried to keep herself from fully turning.

"Scottie?" Stiles called. "Scottie, you okay?"

Stiles threw her right arm around Scottie's shoulders and used her left hand to clutch Scottie's left arm. Meanwhile, the rest of the players had rushed to check on Jaxon, but Coach, kneeling next to the injured player, held out her hands to instruct them to back up and give Jaxon space.

"Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Coach said.

Off to the side, Scottie, panting heavily, whispered to Stiles in a panicked tone, "I can't control it, Stiles! It's happening!"

Stiles' eyes widened when she realized that Scottie was in the middle of a transformation into her Werewolf form and yelped quietly, "What? Right here? Now?"

Stiles looked around, saw that everyone else was distracted by Jaxon's injuries, and grabbed Scottie by the shoulders as she said, "Come on, get up."

She pulled Scottie to her feet and, still keeping an arm around Scottie's shoulders, dragged her back to the locker room. "Come on. Come on."

Scottie and Stiles passed the bleachers, but were too preoccupied with Scottie's current dilemma to notice that Danica was standing behind the stands and off to the side, watching them with a focused expression.


Stiles pushed Scottie through the door as she said, "Come on, here we go."

Scottie fell to her knees next to one of the sinks, and Stiles followed her.

"Sit down. You okay?" Stiles instructed as she moved to crouch down in front of Scottie to look her in the eyes. "Scott, you okay?"

Scottie, now completely overwhelmed, finally looked up and screamed at the top of her lungs in a desperate panic, her eyes bright gold, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

The shock from Scottie's roaring voice caused Stiles to fall back onto her heels, and she eventually was forced to crawl backwards away from Scottie as the Werewolf started stalking her. Stiles managed to get to her feet and flung herself back behind a row of lockers, only for Scottie to easily leap on top of them in a single bound.

Scottie looked down at Stiles from the top of the lockers, and her vision was tinted red from the rage that triggered her transformation in the first place. She visually tracked Stiles as the latter once again fell back onto her butt and was quickly forced to push herself back up onto her feet as she turned the corner, not taking her eyes off of Scottie as the Werewolf crawled to the end of the row of lockers.

She pulled herself up onto the heating vents up around the top of the ceiling and used them to crawl around and track Stiles, who had circled around the locker room and had just made it back to the entrance, where she bumped into the fire extinguisher as she flailed around desperately. She got an idea and grabbed the fire extinguisher, waiting until Scottie had jumped back down onto the floor before spraying it at her. This surprised and disoriented Scottie, who covered her face with her hands to try to avoid the spray. Once Stiles stopped, she took cover just outside the door to the locker room and waited to see what happened next, clutching the fire extinguisher tightly and preparing herself to possibly have to do it again.

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