Chapter 20: Loss

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This past week has been very different without Piper. Mello has been very disconnected to both me and Matt, and it's bothering us, along with the aftermath of Piper's death. The whole scene was traumatizing to watch really.

I remember Mello kneeling beside Piper's almost dead body, as he had this completely blank look on his face. Not sadness, not anger, not confusion, just nothing. He looked like he had seen a ghost, or that he had just witnessed a murder, which he really did.

Piper just laid on the road, as we ran towards the two of them. Mello picked her up in his arms, and tried to talk to her, and get her to respond. Her last words to us were to look after Mello, which we tried to do this past week, but he never responded to us.

Lately, he's been drinking a lot more. We all knew he drank more than the usual person did, but now it was just awful. That was all he really did honestly. He hasn't left his room for such a long time, according to Matt, and he can't even get him to go out.

It was a tragic time for all of us, but really, when was it not for Mello and Matt?

We all needed something to take the stress off of our minds for a little, while still not forgetting Piper, so me and Matt decided to have dinner at a fancier Italian restaurant. We invited Mello, of course, who whispered from his room that he would be better off alone for now.

Respecting his request, me and Matt went off to the restaurant and started talking about his life at the orphanage to take our mind off of things.

Meanwhile, we didn't know what Mello was doing at all, and Matt and I were focused on what we were going to order off of the menu.


Mello's POV

Here I am drinking again, as I've been doing a lot more than usual. I am completely aware that it's really bad for me, and it isn't the way to cope with a loved one's death. But one or two bottles a day can't really hurt anyone.

Until it got to so much more than one or two bottles. I know it looks bad, and I'm a complete mess without Piper here, but sometimes people make really stupid decisions.

Just like the stupid decision I am about to make right now.

I know that it is wrong and terrifyingly dangerous to just go off and hunt all of the guys in the rival gang who might have contributed to Y/n's kidnapping, or Piper's death, but I really need to get all of these built up emotions out of my system.

Stepping out of my room for the first time all week feels different when you're drunk out of your mind. Do I care? No, this has to be done. Who else would do it? Matt is too much of a pussy, and Y/n wouldn't take the risk.

And I know the big risk, but they need to pay for what they did to me. To Piper.

Starting up the motorcycle, I speed off into the night, not giving a care in the world.

I don't even know where I'm going right now to be completely honest, but I know I'll figure it out. Approaching the highway, I make a sharp turn left, to find my vision blurring a little and losing control of steering this thing.

I don't feel anything right now, but I know I have to keep driving, and not die. But I know if I die trying to do this, I might just see her again.

The taste of the beer remains in my mouth as I keep driving on the highway. It seems to be the kind of hour where no cars are out, and so I'm not worried about getting hurt out here. It's getting there that's the problem, though.

I try to recall the directions Matt gave me that day we went to break Y/n out of the gang's location. Finally remembering the directions, a car seems to come out of absolutely nowhere.

The flashing lights and the sound of the beeping car were the last things I heard and saw on my last moments on earth.


Y/n's POV

After Matt and I are finished with our food, (we split the check of course,) we make our way back to his apartment to check on Mello. I would probably be spending the night as well.

As Matt drives off into the night, he decides to take the highway so we get there faster. The distant sound of police sirens can be heard, so we brush it off and keep driving through the highway.

The only problem is, that when we pass the accident, it seems to look like a black motorcyle had been crashed into, as we see a man being wheeled away into an ambulence truck.

"Wait!" I run out of Matt's car which had already come to a stop, and rush towards the lady wheeling the body away.

"Who is that? I really need to know, please. I might know him," I desperately ask the woman.

Saying nothing, she pulls the covers to reveal him.

It was Mello.

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