Chapter 17: Doubt

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After Matt and I started officially dating, he would usually come over to my apartment a lot more. When he came over we would usually just watch movies or do stupid shit like prank calling random numbers we typed in.

Tonight was rainy Saturday night, and this time I came over to him and Mello's apartment. Mello was out in headquarters late, while Matt was already done with his shit. It was like every other night, ordering a pizza and listening to one of his crazy mafia stories.

"Then Mello literally grabbed the guy's wallet and ran off, while I had to start up the car. I did that, only to find the car was out of gas. Then we ran all the way back to-- Y/n? You with me?" Matt waves a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of the trance I had fallen into.

"Uhh yeah?" I smile, pretending nothing had just happened.

"You've been out of it all night, what happened today?" Matt asks, eating the second to last piece of pizza in the box.

I grab the last one and admit, "Nothing really happened, I've just been bored and 'out of it' as you said," I reply taking a bite of the pizza.

"But you also didn't even wanna call random people tonight? I mean what's up with that?" Matt questions me, getting suspicions.

"Chill, I'm just not really in the mood," I reply finishing my slice, as he does as well. "Maybe I just need a hot shower, do you mind?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's fine," Matt frowns a little as I leave the couch and head towards his bathroom.


Matt's POV:

She's been acting off lately, and I'm not getting such a good feeling about it. Maybe I'm just being a little bit to protective? Well it doesn't hurt to be a little cautious, especially when it comes to girls...

Maybe I should check her phone.

Just to be sure, I wait until I hear the shower start up, and that the door is locked.

Luckily, I've seen Y/n unlock her phone, so I know how to get into it. I'm starting to sound a little bit like a creepy ass stalker, but that's fine. I'll do whatever I need to do to find out what's up with her.

I start out by looking through her text messages: Just her texting Mello or Piper about us and how we're doing together. It's pretty good so far, maybe I was over reacting.

Or maybe I was right after all.

The pretty boy at the club? Is that this "Matsuda ‼️😻" guy? Well no shit it is.

I scroll through their messages only to realize they were from today.

"We should hang out sometime soon"??

What is this? I turn off her phone, tossing it back to the place and placement it was in before on the couch.

I wait a few more minutes for Y/n to come out of the bathroom.


Y/n's POV

Feeling much more refreshed, I come out of the bathroom to find Matt, still on the couch. He has a frustrated look on his face, in which I return a confused look.

"What's up with you?" I ask drying off my hair with a towel.

"What's up with me? What's up with you?" Matt raises his slightly at me.

"Woah woah woah woahhh, calm down there. I know I was a little off earlier, but I feel much better now. Don't worry about me," I shrug and smile at him, sitting next to him.

"So. How's Matsuda?" Matt asks blankly and stares at me.

"He's fine?? Why do you ask?" I reply, confused at his question.

"Planning on seeing him soon, were we?" Matt's gaze still focused on me as he interrogates.

"Dude. Matt. What has gotten into you?" I shoot him a look as he points to my phone. I start to understand what he did while I was in the shower.

"That's it, we obviously need a moment to get our shit together. I'm leaving," I say getting back up from the couch and leaving Matt.

I walk out into the pouring rain, and just stand there thinking for a while.

This isn't like Matt. Well, it's not how he is all the time. But there are times where he gets a little too protective. More protective than the average boyfriend, but still. It's fine. We'll work it out either way.

"Y/n, wait," Matt yells out, running down the apartment steps.

He stands in front of me, hair already soaking wet.

"I know I always get jealous easily, but when it comes to you, who wouldn't be?" Matt smiles as I feel myself tear up. It felt as if we were falling apart back there, but he'll always come back and fix things. Nobody has ever done this to me.

"And I know I'm not even worth your time, but I just can't help but be a jerk to any other guy. Even if I'm just being paranoid and over reacting. But that's only because I don't wanna lose you," Matt walks a little closer to me, as I wrap my arms around him, and he does the same.

"Why can't you understand that you're the only guy I really want?" I say quietly, rain pouring even harder on us.

We just stand there with each other, and it feels as if I fell in love with him all over again.

"Is it okay if I kiss you right now?" Matt asks softly as he gently places his hand on my cheek.

I answer his question by doing it myself, and I meet with his soft lips.

I smile into the kiss, and he does too. I hold on to him, and wrap my arms around the back of his neck, as he puts his arms over my shoulder.

When we both have dried off, I spend the night at his apartment, sleeping peacefully next to him for the rest of the night.

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