Chapter 15: 🍋

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⚠ All of the smut was written by my best best best girliepop pgilliland

Matt had disappeared to the restroom during our double date. I was left alone with Mello and Piper, who had been flirting and laughing, and it got pretty boring pretty quickly. They made a cute couple, sure, but they also had another thing that tied them together even more.

They have probably had sex a total of 3 times, if I'm counting correctly, and I had accidentally witnessed the 3rd time, which was tonight when me and Matt came to pick them up. Considering how busy they were, we understood to just fuck off and leave them alone.

It I'm being honest, I've thought about it a few times. I've even thought about doing what they do with Matt. I'm not quite sure if he'd be down to do it tonight, considering the atmosphere we're in.

He doesn't know that I'm a virgin. That could probably be surprising, but I know for a fact that Matt is not a virgin.

If you really think about it, he's a criminal. He probably gets so many, maybe even more than once. I have to get these thoughts out of my head right now.

He's been gone for a few minutes now, and I think of should probably wash my face to clear my mind on a few things.

I make my way towards the restrooms, to find Matt coming out. Ignoring him, I continue my trip towards the door, but I feel him take my hand and pull me towards him.

"Wait, Y/n," Matt pulls me closer to him and I get uncomfortable really quick, considering my thoughts from earlier.

The next thing I know, his hands are on my hips, passionately kissing me.

I literally thought I was going to die right then and there. There was just something about the way we were kissing that made me horny as fuck.

We suddenly pull apart from each other, still staring into each others eyes.

"Come with me." Matt said while grabbing my hand. He leads me into the the boys bathroom.

Holy shit. There's literally no way I'm about to lose my virginity in the bathroom.

We go into the second to last stall, Matt pushing me ahead of him, locking the door. He goes back to kissing my lips while pushing me back towards the wall.  I wrap my hands around the back of his head, tangling them into his soft hair.

"Fuck Y/n." He moaned into my mouth. He pushes his body closer against while suddenly sticking his tongue in my mouth. His hands start to roam my body as the kiss gets more intense.

Matt breaks away from the kiss looking me up and down while still holding the small of my back. "Do you want to, Y/n," he said while avoiding my gaze, " I, uh, I get if you don't really want to fuck in the bathroom." He says finally looking me in the eyes.

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with insecurity, I thought I was ready but now I'm seriously questioning that. What if he doesn't know I'm a virgin? Surely that wouldn't make him not want to have sex with me. Right? Matt wouldn't care, at least I don't think so. But then again he is so experienced that what if he thinks it's bad compared to previous times.

Suddenly a voice breaks me from my thoughts. "Y/n, we really don't have to if you don't want." Matt said while slightly backing up. I felt bad, he looked embarrassed.

"Matt, I want to," I said while gently pulling him back towards me, "It's just...I'veneverreallydoneanythinglikethisbefore." I mutter quickly as I feel my face burn.

It took Matt a few seconds to fully understand what I was saying. "Okay... I don't really care." He said while looking at me reassuringly.

Thank God. Honestly, I knew he wouldn't care but just the thought made me slightly upset.

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