Chapter 4: The Rainbow Moon

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She won't get mad will she? She loves me and respects what I want out of life... doesn't she?

He shook the thought away and ignored the part of him that whispered no.

Of course she does, she is my mother and she loves me.

He told himself ashe finished the small slab of meat and grabbed a huge talonful of strawberries.

He then trotted out the door and skipped out intotje bright green light that was his beloved home, he closed his eyes to bask in the gently dying sunlight.

His nostrils opened wide so that he could take in all the glorious scents of the flowers in the rainforest.

Time to start the night.

He thought cheerfully as he began to bound and skip through the NightWing village, waving to all of the dragons he passed.

A few were night/rain hybrids just like him, although they were all younger than him, he never quite understood why, had no RainWings and NightWings ever been together before? And if so how had his parents got together? His mother had told him the story but... something about it never felt... quite right to Peacemaker, like these weird pieced that didn't quite fit together right.

He shook himself and popped a strawberry into his mouth, packing the rest into his shoulder bag which he had made himself from leaves and vines.

What am I thinking? Mummy would never lie to me.

He put a smile on his snout and continued to wave, the NightWings with RainWing partners were always the warmest and they tended to wave back far more often, the rest were hit or miss, but today they seemed to be in a relatively good mood and most waved back.

Peacemaker smiled with satisfaction, he remembered how exiting it was the first time a NightWing finally waved back to him, and once one finally did, the rest started to relax and do it too, it was a great start to the evening as long as he avoided the routes that always got him glared at.

He finally stopped at the bottom of a dense wall of trees, the bases of which was covered by disordered strawberry bushes he had planted himself, he gently set another strawberry into place so it could disperse it's seeds.

"Go on little guy, some day you'll make loads of dragons happy once you're all grown up." He cooed to the strawberry, his words ringing in his own head.

He always felt strange looking at his small grove of strawberries, most of him adored how wild-looking and natural it all was, but there was thus other part of him, an itch ing the back of his mind that winced at how disorgonised it all was, this part that cried out for order.

He always assumed it was just his RainWing and NightWing sides clashing but the more he planted, the happier one side felt and the more irritated the other became.

Eh, who needs things to qll be perfectly lined up? Nature isn't like that and nature is wonderful.

He thought as he rolled onto his back and looked up ar the canopy as it grew ever darker.

It's a shame Tamarin is weird and sleeps at night, I would've liked to stay here a while longer but I guess I shouldn't wake her up, RainWings get really grumpy when I do that.

He stood up and opened his wings, looking at them for a long moment.

I feel purple today.

He thought and the dancind constilation of colourful stars under his eings shifted to all different shades of gentle purples.
Once he was satisfied with the colours he lifted lightly off the ground, wrapping his prehensile tail around a branch for a moment to orientate himself before shooting of heading towards the RainWing village.

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