Chapter 2: Not My Eyes

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This chapter was written by my friend Tree Frog.

"Strongwings, no!"
She couldn't stop the cry that escaped her jaws. Tears streamed from Fierceteeth's face as she raced towards the NightWing, sadness welling up in her chest as she focused on running, and running only. She would run forever for Strongwings.. but was she too late?

Suddenly Fierceteeth jerked awake, her side heaving as she thought of the nightmare.
No.. this all my fault.. he's gone he's gone..
She wanted to scream, to yell out, but she eventually came to her senses.
No, it's not real.. I need to forget..
Her heart twisted with pain as she remembered, the blood pouring..
wait, there wasn't any blood in the nightmare. Was there?
She shook her head.
Im going to drive myself crazy. Is this what Strongwings would have wanted me to do? To just mope around like a lazy RainWing?
She growled to herself as she forced herself to get up from where she was laying.
I need to go somewhere.. I need to just get away from here, it's too painful. No! I have to stay close to Strongwings. I need to stay close to him, no matter what!
She could feel herself beginning to panic.
I am a NightWing, and I am no coward!
She scolded herself, wiping away the tears that were streaming down her face with her talons, accidentally leaving a scratch but she ignored it. Fierceteeth deserved it. She could have saved him, everything was her fault. Maybe if she was quicker then she could've saved Strongwings.

She looked at her claws which she had placed back onto the ground, they were starting to slightly shake. Fierceteeth growled to herself.
Im too much of a coward to even face it.
She thought, her talons still slightly trembling as she walked out of her hut and towards no direction in particular, but away from the NightWings' village. She let out a sigh that was barely audible as she breathed in the air of the rainforest, she didn't like it there much, but it was better than where the NightWings used to live, and it was where Strongwings was buried...

Fierceteeth didn't even realize she had walked up to a river until she felt the cold water underneath her talons. She looked down at her reflection, not expecting to see anything in particular. But her eyes widened as where her reflection should have been, a different NightWing was there...

They felt familiar.. but Fierceteeth knew she had never met that dragon. Their eyes weren't hers.
She stumbled back in shock but the reflection didnt move. She began blinking rapidly and not even a second passed, and the reflection was normal again.
Now I'm going insane.. great.
She thought, but she was still shaken from what had just happened.
Her heart raced as she just stood there, staring at her reflection. She didn't know how long she was there for, but eventually she glanced up above her, the sun's light making her scales see lighter than they really were.
How long have I been sitting here?
She wondered as she got up and began walking away from the river hesitantly. Fierceteeth noticed her claws weren't trembling anymore.
So what do I do now? I never had anyone else.. I just had him.
She thought.
But he would want me to do something, he wouldn't want me to grieve forever, would he?
Fierceteeth thought as she entered the NightWing village.
You just need to forget him.
A part of her mind told her.

She shook her thoughts away and began walking back to her hut, but suddenly a NightWing walked over to her.
"Hello! Fierceteeth, right?"
He said in a friendly voice, he was seemingly in a good mood.
Oh, please.. not Mightyclaws.
Fierceteeth thought to herself as she gave Mightyclaws a skeptical look and hesitantly replied.

"Yes, what do you want?" She snapped.

"I just thought you seemed a bit down." He said with a shrug.

You just thought?
Fierceteeth thought with a snort. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not happy my boyfriend died!" Suddenly flashes of the NightWing she had seen in her reflection earlier began playing in her head.

Moonstone earrings. An hourglass. Blue IceWing blood. A goblet with blue and green gems embedded into it...

So many images were flashing in her head she didn't know what was going on, but slowly the images began to get more and more violent. The final image was a young RainWing NightWing hybrid...

"..And since Strongwings died, you just seemed really- Fierceteeth, are you sure you're alright? Are you listening?"

Fierceteeth suddenly was jerked out of- well, whatever that was, and back to a confused Mightyclaws. She blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what to say to him. "I'm fine," The growl came out a little harsher than she meant, but she didn't care.

Mightyclaws didn't care for her, why was he now asking if she was ok? "Just leave me alone." She hissed, stalking away from the NightWing. She tried to remember the images- but the last one was almost burned into her skull. A chill ran down her spine, there was something different about this dragonet, something important...

Fierceteeth didn't know where she was going, but it was somewhere. She wasn't paying attention to where her talons were bringing her, but finally she noticed the green, wet grass under her claws, and she was looking down in the river.

"Hello? Can you hear me?!"

She flinched back, her talon shaking again.

This isn't me! Who... are you?

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