Chapter 1: Fire and ice.

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The wind rushed overhead and whiped around the towering white spires of the ice palace as a dragon lay upon a balcany on the centermost tower and looked down at the white plain stretching out in front of them.

Far below, white dragons underwent complicated training drills, drills that this dragon once went through themselves, a long... long time ago, it seemed like a distant and fleeting memory now. They could only remember blurry images of standing perfectly poised in an elegant manner as much larger dragons walked down the line, they remembered fighting with other white dragons and they remembered standing over them once their opponant had been defeated. But this wasn't only one case, they remembered the same thing happening over and over, they fought, they one, they fought again. The only thing they remembered vividally was the time they lost, they remembered Narwhal's dissaproving eyes perfectly and they remembered the pain of training non-stop for months to ensure that they never lost again.

The white and grey dragon sat up as they fiddled with an object in their talons, they sighed and looked down at one of the only pieces of gold in the ice kingdom, pearing into it as the image reflected back, their heart sank when they saw that their reflection was still that of a large male IceWing.

Well what was I expecting? To see her... is that how desperate I've become?

He flung the pice of gold onto the snow covered balcany in frustration and looked out at the vast expanse of nothingness layed out before him and sighed, Theres nothing in this acursed kingdom, just.... white and cold. He thought desparingly as he slumped down into the snow.

Pull yourself together Hailstorm.
He commanded himself but to no avail as he looked up at the sky.
I should go flying, I love to fly even though I'm not very good at it, I feel so free in the clouds.
He stood up and spread his large white wings eagerly before hesitating.
Wait... no I dont... do I? Flying without a purpose is frivolous and a waste of energy.

He sat back down and burried his face in his talons as he tried to get his thoughts straitened out, failing like always as his two completely different sets of thoughts became tangled together, and just when he thought he had liberated one, he would become confused about who's thought it was.

I want to go home.
But this is my home.
Isn't it?

He sighed and forced himself to stop thinking about it as he was begining to develop a migrane. He just staired at his talons while the wind rushed and whipped around him.

He forced his mind to repeat as he tried to make himself remember that name as his own.

He finally stood up,
This is maddening, I need some fresh air.
He thought, finally standing up again and spreading his wings, lifting off elegantly and feeling the cold wind brush against his face,
That's so much better, nevermind the fact that I was already outside, stupid worthless Pyr~

He suddenly slammed himself in the head,
I'm not her... I'm not.
He insisted as he dug his serrated talons lightly into his scalp.

He flew for several hours, going no where in particular but simply flying and focusing on that and nothing else. He shifted through all the different air currents perfectly as his instincts guided him and he flew at speeds that most IceWings couldn't hope to reach.

He circled around the kingdom's border and looked longingly east, towards the sky kingdom before catching himself mentally calling it home and batting at his head again.

His ears pricked up as he thought he heard wingbeats as suddenly he span around and saw a dragon with large wings that slammed into him before he had time to think or react. The dragon wrapped their talons around his and the two tumbled towards the ground.

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