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Some disciple went broke cause they bet up all of there money.

"who do you think is JZX's favourite brother-in law?" wen chao asked creating a war between JC and WWX.

Making JZX sweat that JY an LZ had to intervene the war going on with the jiang brothers.

"boring" whisper by WC thankfully no one heard him.

"let's continue, pls eyes on the thing"

'The screen shows JGY smiling creepily
That it gave chills to everyone else including lan xichen since tgey nevernsaw him smile like that.'

'Then they saw some girl trying to seduce JZX.'

which made JY frown.

'JGY then grab the girl by her hair which made the Others present in the room surprised.'

The ones watching was also surprised because even if JGY killed many people he was never the one to do it [except the the general that he killed ].

"can’t you see that my Brother is uncomfortable plus he already has a fiance so back off ugly whore" JZX then calmed JGY down and order the guards to throw the gitl out.'

The Others was stunned while JY was thanking the other JGY for what he did, some where amused by him.


sorry if it's short i got a quiz tomorrow so i have to study.

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