Important (Before we start)

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-Of course, this book will be written in English, although English is not my first language. I've been speaking French since I was a tiny child, but when I was seven, I became proficient in English that I forgot how to speak french properly and just comprehend it.. please be aware that there may be little grammar issues

-Yes, this is based on the Kirby anime... also I could include Mario Bros characters if I wanted to... I'm not sure.

-There are a lot of fanfiction books that make the reader a girl, but this one is for all genders, so enjoy.

-I might make this book on hold since my phases change so frequently, I used to be in a mario phase, and now I'm in a Kirby phase.. and I don't know if it's gonna stay that way.

-give me ideas.

-[Y/N) will be a child, 11 years old.

-the Kirby characters will not be human

-I might make holiday specials, like an Christmas special for example.

-segments will be 2000 - 5000 words long, also probably I'm doing like 5 segments each episode, making a episode atleast like 15000 words long

-I might make 3 more books for this, which means 4 seasons. (I might change that)

-There will be 6 episodes each season, we'll have 24 episodes when I'm finished. (I might change that)

-adding comedy shit

-I haven't finished watching Kirby: right back at ya, I only watched like 10 episodes.

TW: a little bit of cussing.

(Word count: 253)

(Last modified: April 5th, 2022.)

Kirby: Magnificent Dreamland - Kirby Characters X Reader (Season 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن