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The prairies and the plains of the Old West is the place where horse riding boots originated. These shoes were needed by young men of Old West times. Story of today is quite different. Today, people wear this footwear for fashion. More importantly, the making of horse riding boots has gone through a revolutionary evolution. Boots used by the cowboys back in the 1800s are no match for today’s boots. Obviously, people in that era did not have Toms Renato shoes sophisticated technology to make ultra comfortable footwear.

In the 1800s, horse riding boots came into being in the West. As wagons and railroads were introduced, boot makers from the Eastern part started to disseminate their boot making craftsmanship among the Westerners. Though the pioneers of the boot making were the early settlers, this industry did not flourish as a booming one until the Civil War. We see in the rise in popularity of these shoes during the time of civil war.

The history of Civil War has something to do with the history of horse riding boots. The thing is that confederate as well as Union troops felt the need for right shoes for the battles. So, the shoe industry saw a boom. Some researchers even say that the confederate soldiers failed to do a better job because of their poor quality gear including riding shoes. The Union troops were well equipped with right shoes and this affected the outcome of the whole war.

This is the history behind the development of horse riding and military shoes of today. Shoe manufacturers also made efforts to standardize the size and shapes of these shoes. The manufacturers also paid attention to the materials. These were made of leather but the material was almost imperishable. These were almost hip high too.

Some researches also say that Spanish Vaquero is the origin of horse riding shoes. This dates back to the 1500s and 1600s. The leather used in such shoes used to be quite durable. These people also produced high heeled and pointed shoes for better grip. The Spanish people also played their part in the making of these shoes. These high heeled pointed shoes gradually transformed to better designed boots in the 1800s.

Leather was and is still the most popular material for horse riding shoes. Leather cutting and shaping was very hard during olden times. Each pair of shoes would require a lot of time. Different craftsmen would prefer different length for theses shoes. The style of heels would also vary a lot. Even during that time, leather horse riding shoes were common because they were very durable.

Today's cowboy shoes are very advanced. You can get cowboy shoes in nice designs today. At the same time, you can get the riding shoes of English style. In the past, people did not have this plethora of choices. You can enjoy the Oliver Sweeney foster shoes choices given to you and look for something that suits your taste.

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