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 "Good morning, Michael."

Michael jolted awake. This time, he had not been led into the office. No, this time he woke up in it. Did he fall asleep in the therapy room? The last thing he recalled was leaving it. Did a week pass?

Michael sat up, feeling strange. He could swear that last session he walked into the room, but he didn't recall ever being in any waiting room either.

Was it morning? The therapist had always said good morning, but he hadn't seen a clock since the sessions started. Or his children, or his church or anything beyond the therapy room.

He looked down at the therapist. They had their clipboard ready, and they eyed their watch expectantly. "Michael, tell me about your first meeting with God at the ruins." They asked casually.

Michael blinked, bewildered. "What."

"Your first meeting with God."

"I understood what you said- How do you know about that?" She questioned.

"You mentioned it before." They said.

Michael shook her head firmly. "No. No I did not." She said. Out of all the things she had questioned, this one she was absolutely sure about. She didn't mention it, let alone even think about it once. And why would she tell a normal therapist about it? Unless...

The therapist stared blankly at Michael. "...Yes, you did."

Michael scoffed. "Now one of us isn't communicating very openly." He noted.

"Michael, it would be best to learn that you cannot lie your way out of every situation that brings discomfort to you." The figure responded neutrally.

"And you can't keep lying about knowing things you're not supposed to. I never told you about Delilah, I never told you about the Incident, and I never told you about this. I don't share. You know that by now." He glared at the person, folding his arms in frustration. "...Who even are you?" He questioned.

The figure sighed and scribbled something on their clipboard. "You're changing the topic."

"And you're trying to avoid my valid questions. What time is it, even? Has a week really passed? Is it really morning?" He asked, gesturing vaguely. "I haven't seen anything beyond this room in... I don't know how long, and that is an issue. I have a life beyond this. A life I'd very much like to get back to, instead of recounting every bad situation I've been in."

"It would be beneficial to finish all six sessions... Which we cannot do without your compliance." The figure responded.

"No, I want answers. Show me your watch." Michael demanded.

The figure stared blankly at him again.

Michael didn't budge. "...Well? I won't answer unless you show me." He insisted, crossing his legs and looking expectantly at them.

"Will you?"

Michael shrugged. "Why not. Answer for answer." He decided.

A few minutes passed of silence. Finally, the figure sighed, and turned their wrist to show Michael the watch. He leaned over to see it.

It wasn't on. The watch didn't even have hands.

Michael blinked, confused. "... What is the point of this." He deadpanned.

The figure didn't respond to his question. They leaned back and looked at their clipboard again. "Now tell me about the event with God."

Michael shook his head. "What- No, you... This didn't answer a thing. I wanted to know the time. You showed me an empty watch." He argued.

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