Part Two

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My dad wasn't kidding when he said the way to the palace was quite a journey... but I loved it! You see, my parents, well, mainly my dad, they love me but that has sort of led to them being really overprotective. And when you live in a small village, you don't get out much. This was the first real opportunity I've had to see the world and I am going to grasp every opportunity to do so.

We made our way through the bustling capital city filled with passing carts and vendors calling out to sell their merchandise. It seemed my eyes couldn't move fast enough to absorb all the commotion around us. My attention fell on a little cart owned by a homely old woman who was selling beautiful beads. I quickly started to walk over.

"Amara," I turned around, momentarily confused by who would call me in a place where I knew no one.

"Oh," I sheepishly laughed, "sorry Dad."

He waved at me, signaling me to continue following him towards the palace. Once I reached his side again he resumed walking.

"The city is so different compared to our village! It's full of so much life. Did you hear all the different languages? I think I heard-" We had stopped, coming to stand before a great staircase leading to the palace. "Oh, that's just lovely," I quipped sarcastically as we looked upon the seemingly never-ending steps.

My dad gave his deep chuckle and said, "Well, when you're at rock bottom..."

He looked at me and I said with a smirk, "You can only go up," Then we began our ascent.


Dad friendly patted a guard's shoulder, "Uh, excuse me?" He pulled out the letter, "I'm here to see Emperor Kuzco. You see, I got this summons—"

The guard, uninterested, told us to follow the signs but my dad, ever so kind, simply smiled and thanked him.

"Nice paint job," I smiled at the guard as we passed. I could see his face frown as he registered my jest at the strange paint on their bodies.

As we walked towards the entrance, a small yet hard object hit my head. "Ouch," grimacing, I rubbed my head and found a shoe on the ground. Picking it up, my dad and I shared confused glances and then looked up to see where the assaulting shoe could have come from.

An old man poked my dad's shoulder, "Uh, pardon me, that's mine."

"Oh!" my dad handed him the shoe. Shocked, I just stood there, mouth agape. My dad started to walk away.

"Uh, da–"

My dad did a weird scream or exclamation of worry and quickly turned around to help the man down, checking to make sure he was okay. I quickly grabbed the can laying on the ground and handed it to him. He gave me a sweet smile that revealed the man's kind nature.

"I threw off the Emperor's groove," he gasped, shaking from the experience.

"His what?" My voice heightened with anger, this poor man didn't deserve to be thrown out a window for any reason.

He began to rant, "His groove. The rhythm in which he lives his life. His pattern of behavior." He began to stalk away, warningly saying "Beware the groove."

After he walked away, despite our inquiries about his well-being, we entered the palace. I marveled at our surroundings. Royal blue tapestries with rivers of gold running through them. Antique statues and vases lined the hall where we walked. Numerous signs pointed us in the direction of the Emperor's throne room.

We reached two ginormous doors that were red with golden designs. Being told to wait we simply stood there hearing the muffled voices from behind the solid doors. With nothing to do, I strained to hear what was being said but the only word I could interpret was a shrill voice yelling, "Fired?"

A guard sharply nodded at my dad, signaling him that he could enter. The door opened and my dad hesitantly entered, announcing his presence, or maybe shedding his anxiety, by clearing his throat. I waited behind the door until I was certain my dad was welcome to come in. He began to explain his presence but was interrupted by a young man's voice.

"Hey! There he is. My main village man," I quietly entered the room standing behind my dad, "You are just the man I wanted to see." The emperor stood up from his golden throne and swiftly used a rope to slide down from the pedestal he was perched upon. My dad gasped in surprise and my eyes widened at the Emperor's need for him.

"Word on the street is you can fix my problem. You can fix my problem, can't you?"

Thoughtfully, my dad explained how he would do his best. While my dad was oblivious to it, I was not. The Emperor was clearly trying to manipulate my father. Before I could warn my dad, he was whisked away by the Emperor as they began to talk about our village.

The Emperor was definitely not what I expected, in the worst way possible. He was clearly an arrogant, self-absorbed- "Agh" I huffed in annoyance. He was the type of person that would make your skin heat up and feel like a bunch of prickly thorns were popping up.

I entered the room where they were continuing the discussion of our village. Dad was describing the sun when it hit the Eastern side of our hilltop. It truly was a beautiful time of day.

"Well, that settles it," the Emperor said happily. I cocked an eyebrow at the quick solution to his unknown problem.

My dad furrowed his eyebrows, "That's it? That's all you wanted me for?"

"I just needed an insider's opinion before I ok'd this spot for my pool," the Emperor smiled happily.

All manners on how I should behave before the Emperor were dashed away. "You're what?" I exclaimed.

The Emperor lazily pointed a finger at me and glanced at Dad, "Uh, who is this?"

My dad grimaced, "This is my–"

Ignoring them I continued, "Who are you?" I jabbed a finger into the Emperor's chest.

He swiped my hand away, "Hey! No touchy!"

"Who are you to completely demolish our village for a... a pool! Just how conceited are you?" I was about to continue when my Dad placed a soft hand on my shoulder.

"It's my birthday gift to me! It's just a silly, little hilltop. You'll be able to find another place elsewhere, not that it's any of my concern." He grabbed a small prototype of the pool and smashed in on our home. "I'm so happy," he said, lovingly hugging the model. "Anyway," he straightened himself, "tomorrow your town will be destroyed. So, if I were you, I'd pick up some change-of-address forms on the way home."

My dad began to protest, asking where we would go, but the Emperor just checked his fingernails and huffed, "When I give the word, your little town thingy will be bye-bye."

We were pushed towards the door by guards. I turned towards the snarky boy, "You don't deserve to be Emperor! You–" the door slammed in my face.


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