"Sorry." He sighed. "Its because of me, isn't it."

"Baby it's not your fault." Travis replied immediately. "He'll be worried that too much change will make things harder for you to handle."

"It won't be." Tye replied with a frown.

"I know, he just wants to protect you." Travis tucked a stray curl behind the younger boys ear. "We all do."

"I love you." Tye said sincerely. Travis smiled.

"We love you too."

By the time Carter had finished on the phone, over an hour later, it had turned colder and Tye was asleep in Kit's lap, both arms wrapped around his like he was scared to let go.

Noah and Artemis had left the water and were sat with the rest of them, Artemis' head in Noah's lap. They were all discussing which movie they were going to watch that evening when he finally joined them. Tye, before he had fallen asleep had suggested three musicals and half of Tim Burtons CV, which had somewhat surprised them, they hadn't pegged him as a theatre kid. It just reminded Kit that there was so much that they still didn't know about each other.

"I'm sorry Loves." He sighed, sitting down beside Riley who immediately put his arms around him. "The office is in shambles."

Is it okay now?" Riley asked, he had been taking photos of them all and sharing them to their group chat. He'd also taken a few gorgeous selfies.

"I calmed it down, but I can't stay away from the office much longer." Carter explained, he looked upset and Kit couldn't blame him. He'd missed out on what had arguabley been one of the best days they'd had in ages.

"We need to get back to normal at some point." Artemis pointed out, he had one of Noahs hands in between both of his.

"I know I just-" Carter cut himself off.

"Tye will be okay." Travis replied. "Its not like he'll be home alone, and we need to sort out  routine anyway, it'll be good for all of us."

Carter nodded. He managed a wek smile. "Thank you love." He paused. "I'm so grateful to have you all."

"What we have is stronger then our problems. It has to be." Riley added. Carter kissed his forehead.

"I know it is."

Carter was about to drift off that night when he heard the door to his room open and the soft patter of feet make their way over to him. A head lay onto his chest and he automatically moved to hold which ever one of his boys had decided to join him.

It was Noah. "I'm sorry." He murmured into his chest.

"Noah, you have nothing to apologise for." Carter felt his heart break. But Noah being willing to show his vulnerability even though Carter had made him feel so bad solidified his hope that they could heal the rift between them. "I should be the one apologising and its criminal I haven't yet. I should never had treated you like that. I should have taken your feelings into account and I promise I will never hurt you like that again."

Noah sniffed, Carter felt water begin to drip onto his chest. "I love you so much Noah, please forgive me."

"I forgive you." Noah took a deep, shaky breath to try and stop his tears. "I don't want to lose you."

"You won't. I'll be better. I promise I'll be better."

Carter left Noah and Artemis in his bed whilst he got ready for work and then made sure they were comfy and he had given them a kiss before he left the room. He wanted to do his morning ritual of checking on the boys.

Travis' room was first, he was lying on his back, his Nintendo switch clutched in one hand. The game was still on, he had been playing pokemon and had been in the little camp mini game, a bonsly was staring at him through the screen. Carter had to laugh, he loved him far too much not to. He took the console and put it onto the bedside cabinet and tucked Travis under the covers. He kissed his forehead and wondered how he had gotten so lucky.

He was relieved in a way that Travis wasn't still up gaming on his PC. It worried him how carried away he got, how often he didn't sleep because of it. But it was something he loved to do, and he would never try to take it from him.

He went to Riley's room next, he was lying with his arms around Alexis' waist, face buried into the boys fading green hair. He smiled. God he loved them so much, sometimes he forgot how much, he hated more than anything being away from them, it was why he had been working on being able to work from home for half the week.

He didn't dare to disturb them, so he closed the door quietly and headed into Tye's room. Kit was sound asleep on the bed, but the sound of soft singing and quiet guitar strums was coming from the bathroom. Carter paused, he had to, Tye was singing. It was a song he knew, but Tye had added his own distinction to it and it sounded amazing. He stood for a few minutes listening to him sing before knocking gently on the door.

The abrupt way Tye stopped playing made Carter's stomach turn in worry. He hated that Tye didn't like them to hear him play.

"Hey my love." He said gently as he opened the door. Tye was sat leaning against the bath, guitar on his lap. He got a weak smile from the boy. It was the first time Carter had seen the bandages around his wrists without blood staining them. His boy was getting better.


"I just came to say bye, I'm headed to work." Carter explained. Tye slowly put down his guitar, getting up and hugging Carter tightly. Carter hugged him back. "Everything all right my love?"

"When will you be back?"

"Probably around four." Carter replied, kissing him gently on the head. "Why don't we do something tonight, just you and me, eh?"

Tye nodded. "I'd like that."

"Its a date." Carter grinned. "Call me if you need anything, okay? But the boys will be here."

"Can I call you on your lunch break?" Tye sounded nervous.

"Of course baby. I would love that." He tilted the boys chin up so he could kiss him. "I have to go, and I think Kit's missing you over there."

Tye nodded. "Bye." But he picked up his guitar and followed Carter back into his room, putting the instrument on his desk and hugging the man again. "I love you."

"I love you too." Carter smiled. What a perfect way to start his day. God he loved those boys.

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