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The water was cold, but pleasantly so. Artemis had coaxed him to remove his shirt, but the shorts had stayed. He had moments of body confidence of course, but not in broad daylight, even if they were alone.

"You don't have to look so nervous, I'm not going to let go." Artemis tried to be reassuring, but following a 6"6 giant into a lake when you can't swim is something Tye found nothing short of terrifying.

"I meant it when I told you I couldn't swim." Tye gripped Artemis' arm as the water reached his waist.

"You're cute when you're nervy." The older teased, earning a glare that couldn't last long, not when it was cast from one lover to another.

"Shut up."

Artemis laughed, kissing Tye's forehead and pulling him deeper into the water, so the boy gripped his shoulders dependantly and allowed him to wrap his arms around his waist. "I've got you."

"I don't think this is quite my forté Artie." Tye said softly.

"I won't let anything happen Tye." Artemis replied, watching the boys curiosity get the better of him and he slowly let go of his shoulders to go shoulders deep into the water.

"Kick your legs." He advised, holding the boys hands tightly. Tye frowned but did so, Artemis pulling them back as he worked. "You've got this babe."

"Artie!" Tye whined, gripped his lover tightly stopping his lame attempt at swimming and pulling himself into his arms. "Artie." He said his name again, softer this time. Artemis stopped pushing him out of his comfort zone immediately, enveloping him in his arms and kissing his forehead gently.

"I've got you, I've got you."

They stayed in the lake for only a few minutes longer, before heading to the land, where a man stood on the shores, watching them.

Artemis didn't know who it was, but the way Tye pressed himself into his side told him it wasn't good.

"Tyler where the fuck have you been?" The man gave neither of them time to speak, instead he immediately went on the attack.

"She kicked me out Tucker, what the fuck did you want me to do? Sleep in the shed?"

"You could have called." Tucker walked closer, Artemis instinctively pulled Tye away from him.

"You abandoned me with her for years. You knew what she was like!" Tye had tears welling up in his eyes and Artie wanted nothing more then to bring him home. "Why would I go to you? It's not like either of you give a shit!"

"Of course we give a shit! We were going to come back for you, we didn't abandon you Tye. You're my little brother, your Tanner's little brother, we care about you."

"When?" Tye's voice was little more than a whisper and Artemis was desperately trying to gently tug him towards their bags so he could get his phone and call Carter to come and pick them up. If they tried to run for it he worried they would simply be chased.

"Three days after she kicked you out, we came to get you." Tucker took a step nearer to them and they moved further, close enough so Artemis could grab his phone. The brothers were too focused on one another to notice him.

"Its been five years!" Tye yelled, he wasn't angry, his voice was simply full of pain and Artemis never wanted to hear him sound like that again.

"You're coming back with me Tye. You should be with family." Tucker reached towards his younger brother, who moved further into his lovers side.

"I don't want to go with you." Tye replied. "Why would I want to go with you? You let her hurt me... you hurt me."

"I never meant to hurt you-" Tye didn't let him finish.

"Liar!" It was almost a broken scream. Carter appeared suddenly, making a beeline straight for them.

"You! You took him!" Tucker accused, Carter didn't seem impressed, he simply tucked Tye into his side and stared disapprovingly at Tucker.

"I suggest you go before I call the police, or did you forget You're on cctv for stealing a car?" Carter said, Tucker glared at him and then stared at Tye, who Carter was desperately trying to shelter from him.

"This isn't over. I'm getting him back." He warned, but he relented seeing as Carter was one small movement from calling the police.

Tucker left, and Carter turned to Tye, who was holding in his sobs and it was that moment that his heart broke. "Oh love it's okay." Tye didn't respond, and Carter wasn't sure he could, he was shaking like a leaf, choking back sobs as he pressed his face into Carter's chest.

"You wanna go home babe?" Artemis asked gently, earning barely a nod from the younger boy. "I'll drive, you take him."

"Come on love, let's get you home." Carter said gently, leading him back towards the car. "You're safe love. I promise you."

Carter brought Tye straight up to his room when they returned and simply sat, holding him. He had stopped crying, which at first felt like progress, but as he had progressively became unresponsive Carter found himself wishing he was still crying. At least that would be something.

"Love, can you look at me?" He asked, earning no response. He frowned, "Tye baby I need you to look at me."

Slowly, Tye raised his head, his eyes meeting Carter's. They were so distant it was almost terrifying.

"Can you talk to me? About how you're feeling right now?"

Tye shook his head robotically and rested his head against Carter's chest once more.

"That's okay love." Carter kissed his head. "I'm right here when you need me."

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