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Carter had barely slept that night, worrying about what Tye had told him and had instead spent the night diligently guarding the boy in his arms. Making sure that he was safe, warm and that he didn't have any nightmares. He had four.

There was a soft knock at the door. "Car I'm heading to the gym-" He opened the door, stopping himself as he saw the two of them. "He's back?"

"He called me last night." Carter explained.

"H-how is he? Is he okay?" Artemis came and sat down on the bed, gently stroking Tye's hair.

"I don't know love." Carter replied. "He... he's... not doing great."

"At least he's safe." Artemis pressed a kiss to Tye's temple. "I love you pretty boy."

"You going to the gym on your own?" Carter asked, usually Noah went with him, Artemis nodded.

"Noah wasn't feeling like it today." He explained. Carter nodded.

"Alright, text me if you need anything." Carter received a peck on the lips from his boyfriend before he left them room, leaving him with their broken lover.

"Baby?" Carter gently awoke the boy in his arms, who stared at him in confusion.


"Hey, I was just wondering if you'd let me tell the others what happened? So they can help and not overwhelm you." Carter kept his voice soft, he was trying to gauge Tye's mental stability.

"I want to- I want to tell them." Tye replied. He sat up with a determined look in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Carter didn't want to make the situation worse.

"I don't know." Tye bit his lip. "My thoughts are all funny."

"It's okay." Carter pulled him back into his chest. "Nothing has to happen until you're ready."

"Thank you." Tye whispered, he sighed. "I can't get my thoughts straight. Everytime I try to remember what happened I can't get the details."

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry they did that to you." Carter kissed the crown of his head firmly. "I'm going to make sure they never hurt anyone again. They're going to pay for what they did." He promised.

"Never hurt anyone again?" Tye questioned, his eyes wide, innocent.


"Good, I don't... I don't want it to happen to anyone else." Tye sighed. "Will you help me?"

"Of course, what do you need?" Carter brushed a stray curl from Tye's face.

"I want to get better." Tye paused. "I want to heal."

"Do you want me to find you someone to talk to?" Carter asked gently. "A therapist?"

"Will you go with me?"

"Of course, you don't have to go through anything alone."

Riley carefully made a cup of coffee and carried it up to Carter's room, his boyfriend hadn't appeared yet that morning and he wanted to make sure he was alright. He got no answer when he knocked and opened the door to find Carter snuggled under the duvet, at a closer look he had someone in his arms. Tye.

"I brought you coffee."

Carter stirred. "Mmm thank you baby."

Riley smiled, it had been a while since Carter had called him that. "Are you okay? Is he okay?"

"I'm fine my love, Tye... I don't know." Carter sat up and took the coffee from him. "I called him just to check last night, and he asked me to go and get him." 

"Poor baby." Riley frowned. "Are you sure you're okay? You look really worried." 

"I am, I... Will you go and get the others?" 

"Did something happen to him?" Riley's eyes widened in worry. Carter just nodded his head. "Okay."

"Thank you." Carter managed a smile as Riley left the room, before turning to the sleeping boy beside him. "Tye?"


"The boys are on their way, am I alright to tell them what happened?" Carter asked gently.

"I want to tell them." Tye whispered.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to push yourself." Carter brushed his wavy fringe out of his eyes. Tye nodded.

"I... I want it to come from me." He said slowly, his eyes were already filling up with tears.

"Baby, what happened to you doesn't mean you cheated, you know that, right?" Carter told him, Tye nodded slowly. "You were attacked my love."

Tye nodded again. Carter pulled him back into his chest, holding him as the boy buried his head into his chest.

"Tye?" Kit was the first one to enter the room. He sat down beside Carter with a concerned smile. "Hey Sweetheart."

Tye didn't reply, barely moving his head from Carter's chest to acknowledge Kit.
Noah and Artemis arrived next, Noah had been crying, his hands were shaking.  Travis, Alexis and Riley were the last, sitting down on the end of the bed.

"Tye?" Travis asked, it was almost a whisper. Tye let out a sound that was close to a whimper and started crying again.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Carter whispered. Tye nodded.

"Carter what's going on?" Alexis asked with a frown.

Carter sighed. "When Tye was away, he was attacked..."

"What?" Artemis exclaimed louder than he meant to. Tye let out another whimper. Carter sighed and pulled the duvet off his and Tye's legs, the boy was in his boxers and a hoodie, which meant they could see the bruises on his legs 

"Oh my christ!" Kit covered his mouth in shock. "Tye... oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry."

"Baby they hurt you." Riley whispered, tears in his eyes. "Do you know who did it?"

Tye shook his head. Carter sighed. "I'm going to find them, make them pay."

"I'm sorry." Tye whispered.

"Its not your fault Tye, they hurt you." Alexis said quietly, he sighed. "They won't hurt you again, we won't let that happen."

"They won't hurt you Tye." Noah nodded. Tye moved so he was facing them, although he kept his eyes firmly on the duvet. He passed something to Noah, it was the amethyst he had given him weeks ago. "I'm sorry."

"You stay here baby, me and Artie need to talk to someone." Carter murmured. Tye nodded, allowing Kit to pull him into his arms as soon as Carter got up.

"It's okay, they won't hurt you anymore." Kit whispered, the others crowding around him. Riley sitting on one side, Travis on the other with Alexis in his lap. Noah sat on Travis' other side.

"We love you Tye, we won't let them hurt you again." Noah said with a nod.

Tye sniffled and then nodded. "I'm sorry. "

"You can't keep blaming yourself Tye, what happened was not your fault." Alexis whispered.

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