thirty two

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Carter couldn't help but be relieved when Clarke left, his brother was a lot to handle, and he wanted some quality time with his boys. Tye was asleep in his arms, clinging to him like a child the moment he felt tired. He was traumatised, clinging to Carter to make sure he wouldn't be hurt when he let his guard down. Carter wanted to scream everytime he thought about it. It just wasn't fair. They were dead though, the news that evening had confirmed that the gang of men had been found dead, people were coming forward, telling the police what they had done, Tye had multiple texts from Jordan telling him he'd gone to the police and he should too. Tye had ignored him everytime. 

"You okay?" Artemis appeared behind him, hugging them both tightly. 

"Yeah, I feel better now." Carter nodded. "Have you spoken to Kit?"

"He's asleep, I took some food up to him, but he was already asleep." Artemis sighed. "Carter I just want to stop everyone from hurting... did you see the date?"

"What do you mean?" Carter frowned, he pulled out his phone, it was three minutes past midnight, a new day. The seven year anniversary of worst day of Kit's life. The day he still refuses to talk about despite the fact they know what happened. The day his family was murdered and the day he almost died. "Oh Kitty." He gasped. "Oh baby."

"He's going to shut us out again, he does it every time." Artemis sighed. "Im sick of seeing them hurt Carter."

"I know, I do too." Carter said with a sigh. "We need to stop and take a breath. All of us."

"Tomorrow, we'll spend the day just us." Artemis added. Carter mustered a smile for him. "We'll make this work, we'll get through this."

"Of course we will." Carter nodded. "I'm going to take Tye upstairs, see if I can get him off me."

"He's stronger than he looks." Artemis commented with a laugh.

"Fast asleep and he still has an iron grip on me." Carter nodded, heading towards the stairs, Artemis following him. They reached Carter's room and managed to remove Tye's grip on Carter. "He gets so scared to go to sleep."

"I don't blame him." Artemis sighed. "We'll get through this."

"I know we will my love." Carter forced a smile for Artemis who smiled back.

"I love you." He replied, pulling Carter close to him so he could kiss him. Carter took dominance at once, one hand in Artemis' hair the other taking his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom.

Tye had just finished getting changed when there was a knock at the door. He opened it to find Kit stood there. He smiled at him.

"Hey Kitty."

"Babe have you got any cigs?" Kit asked, closing the door behind him. Tye nodded.

"How'd you know?" He asked, grabbing the pack and his lighter and pulling Kit into the bathroom, opening the window.

"Carter told us you'd started, assumed you'd brought some." Kit replied, closing the door and sitting down beside Tye, taking the lit cigarette he was offered.

"Not started technically." Tye mumbled taking a drag. "You okay?"

"Have I told you about my mum?" Kit asked, staring at the smoke ring Tye produced.

Tye shook his head. "No."

"Seven years ago today she took an axe and killed my entire family." Kit sighed, flicking ash onto the tiles.

"What the fuck?" Tye stared at him in surprise.

"She killed my dad, my brothers, I don't know how I survived." Kit mumbled. "I thought I would have gotten over it by now, but I still think about it, especially on days like today."

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