Yakko found out that his little sis was still frowning, "Ummm, are you hungry Rain?" he asked,

Rain nodded. Yakko placed Rain down on the ground and looked at the map Dr scratchy handed to him earlier.

"Theres a little resturaunt by the gorrila section!" Yakko said.

He put the map back in his pocket and picked up Rain,

"Lets go there!"

Rain rolled her eyes. She's not acutally hungry, she just lied to get Yakko to stop worrying about her.


Rain and Yakko was currently in a little resturuant.

Since Yakko informed his other siblings that they are at a resturant, He's waiting for Wakko and Dot to come.

Rain was groaning. She can't not take Another minute of waiting for these slowpokes!

Yakko glared at her sister who looks like she's about to have a tantrum.

"Sis I know you're hungry, but we gotta wait for Wakko and Dot to get here! We can't let their food be cold."

Yakko, sweetie, A thing called to go boxes exist. They can just take their food back home and warm it up from there!

Yakko heard a notifcation sound on his phone,

"Oh! Looks like Wakko and Dot are outside, i'll go get em!"

Yakko got up from his seat. But before he was about to go get his other sibs, he looked at Rain with a serious expression on his face,

"Rain, do NOT go anywhere, okay?"

Rain nodded, not paying any attetion to her brother.

Yakko shurgged and proceeded to go get Wakko and Dot. Rain was laying her head down on her little booster seat table.

She was bored out of her mind! She then thought about those animals who were locked up in those cages earlier.

An idea finally pop up in the little Warner mind,

She is gonna free all the animals from their cells!

Rain sat up and rub her hands togheter evilly. Yes! This is the perfect plan!

One thing about Rain, she may be shy....

But at the same time she can be a little mischievous too!

Rain looked around her surrondings, she then climbed out of her booster seat carefully.

Once she was safely on the ground, she waddle her way out of the little resturuant.


Yakko, Wakko, and Dot was about to head in until they saw a Baby who looks like Rain, Waddle out of the diner.

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot all looked confused for a moment,

"Uhhhh.....Was that Rain? Or am im trippin?" asked Wakko, scratching his head a bit.

Yakko Rolled his eyes, "UGH, WHERE IS SHE GOING TO NOW??!!"

Dot and Wakko watched as Yakko ran after the baby,

"WAIT! WAIT FOR US YAKKO!" Screamed Dot.

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot was literally on Rains TAIL!

Rain kept looking back to see if one of them would get tired of running but no, they was still chasing her!

She gotta loose them some how...

Rain saw a trash can nearbye and hid inside of it,

"Wait, Where did she go?" asked Yakko looking around the scene,

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