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Me and y/n were arguing with troy and Gia but we stopped because everyone started looking when I pushed troy into the table.
That's what his bitch ass get.
"Can we find fez and maddy" y/n asked me.
I just nodded at her. We heard someone call our names so we look and it was fez.

Once we got over to fez y/n was still holding onto my arm and of course fez being fez he had to say something about it.
"What's up with y'all two?" He questioned.
Y/n just told him it was nothing. We were both drunk as hell. Fez hands me the keys.
" y'all two go to the car I'll be out there in a bit" fez tells us. We didn't think nun of it really so we went and got in. I started the car and got in the back with y/n.

" You're really fucking hot you know that right?" Y/n says then covers her mouth realizing what she said. I just laughed at it. Of course I know I'm hot. I'm Literally ashtray.

Y/n looked so fucking hot tonight. I wanted to tell her but I didn't. We just looked at each other for a minute and y/n looked nervous.

"Do I make you nervous y/n?" I asked her. Just to see ;)

"No not really" she replied. I knew she was lying so I pulled her chin so she'd be looking into my eyes.
"Really?" I said . She instantly covered her face blushing.
"Ashtray stopppp" she said. I was definitely making her nervous.

"Come here" I said as I pulled her hands off her face and pulled her back towards me.

She just looked into my eyes and we started kissing. Her lips were so fucking soft. Me and y/n kissed for a minute and I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her on top of me without breaking the kiss.
Y/n starting slowing moving on my lap so I grabbed her waist to guide her but just then fez knocks on the fucking window. Fuck I hate him bro.

"Oh shit" y/n says and she climbs off my lap looking embarrassed.
I didn't give a shit so I just sat there.

"Y'all couldn't have waited until we got to the house at least? Y/n we have to pick up rue from your house since maddys gone" fez says.
Fuck now rues gonna be there too. They don't want me to have shit. Ifykwim.


we finally arrived at my house to pick up rue and i guess i was staying at fez's for a while so i figured to grab the things i needed while we were here.

"hey fez can i go grab some things out the house really quick" I asked just making sure.

"Yeah go on" fez says.

I walk into my house and see rue grabbing all her things and I wave at her and she waves back. I go up to my room and grab some pajamas, a couple simple outfits and some dresses just in case ;)

"K let me hurry up" i say to myself as i go out and make sure to lock all the doors. I get back in the car with fez , ash and rue and I see that rue is in the front seat instead of ash. He's in the backseat still , but he's sleeping. He's so cute when he's sleeping.

"Got everything?" Fez asks. I love that he cares about me.

"yep!" I say.
Fez starts driving and your falling asleep on ash's shoulder til you hear fez and rue talking.

"Aye rue you won't believe what I seen today"
She just looks at him confused.

"I caught ash and y/n making out if i didn't come in time there would've been Kids running around our crib" fez says to rue.
"Stop playing fez you for real?!?" Rue says shocked at this news.

"FEZ I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY THAT" I say hitting his shoulder as hard as I could & also scaring ash causing him to jump up out of his sleep.

"oh shit , I thought yo ass was sleep" fez says laughing rubbing his shoulder where I hit him. He deserved it.

"Fuck wrong with y'all why the hell are you screaming" ash says rubbing his eyes looking Confused.

"I heard y'all was fucking in the backseat" rue says to ash pushing fez's shoulder wanting him to laugh with her. He started laughing but he looked at me and stopped because I was gonna punch him in his shit and have this car swerving.

"Fez shut the fuck up man damn" ash says.
"And we wasn't fucking yet" he adds.

"YET?!?!" rue says Turning in her seat all slowly and dramtic.
Everyone started looking at ash.

Cause boy what you meannnnn 😏😏 (snsn lemme be serious)

"Imma act like Ian hear that." Fez said.
Ashtray just shrugged

"YOU WANT TO FUCK Y/N?!?" Rue asks screaming.
"Rue please stfu" I say.

"No , I will not allow this. Your sleeping on the couch tn y/n" rue says.

"Rue shut uppppp" I tell rue as we pull up to fez's house.

As fez unlocks the door while everyone's behind him he stops and turns around. We all look at him confused because it's 1 in the morning.
"I'm gonna let y/n sleep with ash BUT if I hear ANYTHING your on the couch. Got it?"
Fez said. I didn't take him seriously though.

"Ok fez" I said rolling my eyes.
"I'm serious y/n" he adds
He looked kinda serious so I just nodded.
But I'm not making promises as fez would say ;)

I think I love you...idk  || ashtray x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now