Becky's pov

I look around at all of the instruments and records handing on the wall. "Here, this came for "M. Smith's match" this morning, I'm assuming that's you" he said setting down a decent sized box.

We weren't allowed to bring anything from our old life besides our bookbag if were school aged and so they take our measurements a week before the ceremony and sent boxes to our matches house.

I opened it and read the paper that said 1 of 7 on top first. I then took all of the contents out, plus a couple of undergarments

I looked at everything and then put all of it back except the lounge wear and a pair of socks.

"Um may I get dressed please" I said picking up the clothes I want to get changed into and looking up at him.

"Yeah theres a bathroom in there" he nods to the door in the corner of the room and I go in and lock the door and double check.

I quickly change and then before I go back out I remember I needed to call my dad. I grab my phone and click his contact and hear it dial. It doesn't even ring 2 times and he picks up.

"Are you safe, is everything ok, is he nice?"he says quickly

"Yes dad, I'm fine I just wanted to get out of my dress and got introduced to his housemates first, and hes... fine." I said. "I'll try and visit you as soon as I can."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I gathered my belonging and walked out of the bathroom to be greated with mr. Smith's chest.

"Mr Smith-" "call me matt, and who were you on the phone with?" He said sternly.

"Just my dad, I told him I would call him when I got here to let him know I was safe."

He nodded and someone opened the door to our compromising position.

"Hey, oh, ummmm, theres pizza downstairs when you guys are done with whatever you're doing" said the short one quickly closing the door after.

"Let's go eat" he said walking towards the door. I followed him out his room and to the kitchen.

"Do you want anything to drink becky?" He asked me as we entered the kitchen.

"Um, can just have some juice." I said quietly.

The tall one, the familiar one, and matt all shared a glance and then matt went to the fridge to grab me some juice and handed me it and led me to the table.

"Oh yeah, that's simon" he pointed to the familiar one "that's jay" the tall one "and alex" the small boy one who's currently devouring his pizza. "They're together aswell" he said motioning to alex and jay.

I nodded and curled up in my seat still feeling not the most welcomed.

I listed to the group talk while I ate my pizza and then excused myself to go to Matt's room, after a couple of minutes I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to be face to face with alex.

"Do you need anything?"I asked confused as why hes here.

"I was just wondering if we could talk." He replied, I nodded and invited him in, we both sat on the floor at the bottom of the bed and just started talking about everything and anything when he asked me the question I dreaded.

"Do you know anything about littles?" He questioned looking over at me.

I took a deep breath in and started to play with my sleeves."I dont know what your talking about." Obviously lying.

"You dont have to lie to me. I wont tell him, or the others, although I do think it will benefit your relationship with matt to tell him, but it wont do any good if it comes from me." He said shrugging

"How did you find out" I asked him.

"I'm a little, I could pick up on the signs of it from you, I figured it was worth a try to ask you." He explained.

I nodded and looked down towards my feet extended out infront of me. "Do you think he knows?"

"I think they all have a inkling about it but be being a little means I can see more signs about it"

I nodded again and stayed quiet this time.

"Well I'll let you think about what I said." He got up and left the room leaving me to my thoughts.


Matt came in and I quickly turned off my phone and looked up at him.

"Common it's time for bed." He said turning away from me and taking off his shirt obviously not caring that I was 8 feet away from him. I looked away and got into bed.

Moments later I heard the light click off and left him climb in behind me and pull me to him slightly.

"Is this ok" is whispered softly in my ear.

I just nodded drifting to sleep.

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