67. Closer

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A/N: Surprise~

It was quiet in Inumaki's dorm room, and the only sound that breaks the stillness of the air is the water from the shower.

"Koi," Toge said as he extends one hand out to her, his eyes darkened with desire and beckoning her to him. This was the second time Maguro experiences her boyfriend's Cursed Speech power. By his command, Maguro felt her body submitted to his speech power and grabbed his hand. He pulled her underneath the shower of water with him and wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing her body closer to him gently.

"T-Toge-kun..." Maguro thought that she would protest being pulled under the shower while dressed in uniform, but her words died where it had begun when she caught the attention of how delightfully handsome Toge is underneath the shower.

Oh, this is lovely.

He smiled at the words in her thoughts. Oh, that, Maguro thought to herself. So Reading is working again?

They were under the shower for a while, admiring each other's lovely features. Inumaki looked absurdly beautiful with the water droplets dripping from strands of his off-white hair. Mesmerized, Maguro lifted her hand and touched the marks on his cheeks with the pads of her fingers, feeling the familiar electric feeling upon touching the Snake and Fang mark.

There it was, calling to her again. She couldn't help it. Maguro leaned in and looked up to him, wanting to see the Snake and Fang mark closer, her breath caressing his skin warmly.

Tempting him.

Toge's jaws tightened when he felt Maguro pressing herself up to him. He gulped.

This is her unintentionally seducing him.

"Nullify me," he asked in thoughts, his mouth opening to call out an onigiri ingredient, but thought about it otherwise. He tends to forget that he doesn't have to do that with Maguro. She hears him just fine after all. He leaned in and nudged Maguro's nose with his when she didn't answer him, appearing stunned with his request. "Nullify me, Maguro."

It wasn't a command. It wasn't a spell.

But she could never deny any one of Inumaki Toge's request.

Never could. Never would.

She is powerless in his presence.

And so, she whispered the nullifying spell.

"Mukou-ka," the key to nullify Toge's powers rings quietly in the shower room, and Toge felt the heavy burden of the Cursed Speech power on him being alleviated by that one rare spell of hers.

All was quiet. Only the sound of the shower running echoes in the small bathroom. It was the most mundane sound in the world, capable of drowning out all other sound outside while you were left in the echoing world of water splashing on skin and tiled floors.

They were so close. Nose touching, lips centimetres apart, and staring into each other's eyes.

This moment was perfect for Maguro, and mesmerizing for Toge.

Toge pulled her closer.

"You were drowning," Toge said in a quiet voice, almost too quiet for her to hear him amidst the sound of the shower running. She was immediately captivated by the sound of his voice echoing in the shower. His voice never failed to amaze her just how lovely it sounded every single time he speaks. Tiny water droplets collected on his long eyelashes, and they dripped down as he blinked and continued, "You were drowning, and we are too far from the surface. I had to do it. And I'm not sorry."

Maguro could see where this is going. And it sends her heart hammering so hard that she was sure if the bathroom's shower was not turned on, he would have heard it loud and clear like a drum. His eyes were turning darker by the seconds, and he leans closer to her the longer she allowed the silence to prevail.

Throat suddenly dry, she swallowed audibly.

"...do what, Toge-kun?" Maguro whispered almost hoarsely, her chest constricting tightly as she tries to pace herself on breathing normally instead of getting nervous.

That question was all Toge need as permission to show her.

Leaning in, Toge gently cupped her face and pulls her closer, then whispered in a deep tone.

"This," he said, before sealing his lips over hers.

He kissed her softly, one hand slipping down to her small back and pulled her closer to him by her waist. He heard her sigh in response, her eyes closed in bliss as her hand reaches up to his neck to rest there. She lay her fingers lightly near the pulse in his neck, and she felt the hard thrum of his pulse against her finger.

She didn't know how, but somehow, the kiss got heated.

Very quickly.

The cold shower proved to be useless in quenching the heat from the couple. Maguro's hands had a mind of their own for real, as they push Toge's shirt up, running her hands shamelessly down his hard abs to touch him. She loves his skin. It was so smooth and hot, and very male.

It was a hunger he never realizes he had until now. Pressing his lips harder against hers, her mouth opened under his with a whimper, allowing him to deepen the kiss and slips his tongue into her wet cavern. Her grip on his shoulder tightened, a delightful response from her that sends a rush of heat to his groin. His arms tightened behind her, encasing her in his embrace lovingly, eliminating all space between them.

Her hand then slides up his muscled back and finally settles behind his shoulder. It was a lovely spot to grab whenever he did something pleasurable to her.

Such as nipping on her collarbone.

She didn't know she could make such sounds. Never knew she could too. It was embarrassing, but Toge seems to be spurred on by her response and how loud she could be whenever he ran a hand down her neck, or her sensitive back that only now she realizes it was this sensitive, or the nips on her collarbone that felt so good she couldn't help the moan she made in her throat, seemingly on autopilot mode whenever Toge touches her.

But this wasn't enough.

She wanted more. More of Toge's hands on her body, more of his lips on her skin, and more of Toge.

More of him. Everything that he could give her. Anything.

So, she continued to enjoy that without restraining the sounds she makes, knowing that is the only thing that spurs him on.

"Tell me to stop," Toge whispered to her in a low and husky tone, breathing harshly against her skin after sucking on her collarbone. It's one of his favourite spots to latch on now. "Tell me to stop, Maguro. I can't stop myself."

Maguro gave no replies but gasped delightfully when he pulled her uniform apart forcefully, his lips searching for more skin to lay his claim on her. He leaned back and looked at her, small and beautiful and blushing, her breath coming in short puffs.

All for him. All because of him.

All his.

"Tell me," he said to her breathlessly, realizing that he, too, is breathing hard. His heart hammered against his chest, feeling his pant gets uncomfortably tight when he realizes she is wearing nothing but a thin slip of white camisole, the deep V accentuated the lovely curve of her breasts. The light bite marks he left on her collarbone blooming slowly into reddish marks, whilst the rest of the part he had sucked harder turned a little darker that reddish.

Lovely. Most beautiful.

All his if she allows him to.

And his heart bloomed at her response.

"Don't stop, Toge-kun," she whispered, one hand reaching up to grab the front of his uniform and pulled him to her closer. He notices with delight her eyes were dark with desire, not realizing that his own mirrored hers too. "Please, don't stop," she whispered underneath the shower of water, before crushing her mouth to his.

They could have gotten to Maguro's desired 'next level'.

But then, Gojo Satoru shows up.

Destined to Collide - Inumaki TogeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora