27. Confession

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A/N Thank you for the lovely comments, papihaveapen. 
Love and peace, sppeggios <3. 
Hope this chapter brings you as much joy as it brings me ^^

He felt it the moment Maguro opened her eyes. The power he has been bestowed upon birth lifted, even for just a while under her Nullifying powers. It felt much lighter and brings him a sense of peace.

No anxiousness, no fear of cursing other people.


But, to what extent?

As far as he understands his family's technique, the Snake and Fang seal is also known as the Words of Gods. No one in his family has ever had the privilege to meet up with someone like Maguro, who has the power to Nullify. In fact, this power was so rare that the last Nullifier was born almost 300 years ago.

She is the first person alive in this era that he had ever heard of who possesses the Nullifying power.

And he is grateful he chanced upon meeting her by fate.

But yes...to what extent indeed?

"I..." Inumaki started, torn between wanting to be cautious and wanting her to know desperately. His heart pounded in his chest as he contemplated on how to start. "I-I...Maguro...I..." he stuttered, hands clenching tight on either side of her on the bed as she sits on it. He gritted his teeth and chided himself at chickening out.


Not that.

He's not chickening out. He's just too... restrained.

For 17 years of his life, he had had countless accidents where he accidentally cursed someone when he speaks. He could not help it. Accidents do happen, and it made him feel an immense guilt sinking his heart down to the bottom of the dark ocean where he couldn't breathe no matter how many times the people around him tells him it's alright.

To him, it was never alright.

Hence the onigiri ingredient terms.

He couldn't bear it if he accidentally curses someone, more so to the people close to him. His family, his baby sister and brothers at home, his friends, and teachers.

And her.

He was most afraid of tying her down onto something she wasn't willing. Not that she wasn't willing right now, with her reciprocating his feelings earlier. But he was most afraid of the long-term effect his spells will hold onto her.

No one knows how far the Words of Gods holds onto something that is not a physical command.

And again, they never bothered to experiment her powers. He didn't know just how long his spells could have a hold on her. And they didn't know if she could Nullify them now, or after the spells sets in. Could she even do that? Nullify a spell that is already casted out? Back then when she first joined the school and fell into the water, she could not Nullify his command.

But that was back then.

Months have passed since then. Maguro's powers has expanded into an entirely different terms as compared to before the school started. She could flex her powers in ways Gojo-sensei would scream with pom poms at the side-line in excitement whenever she did something new. Though her stamina could still barely catch up to the extent of the powers she has in store, her Nullifying powers has evolved to the point that it doesn't even require her to use an ounce of her stamina.

It will be as easy as breathing for her to Nullify curses now.

He was most afraid... what if... what if she is okay with him right now, but as time goes by, she changed her mind or something. What if they could not stay together for long? What if she doesn't want him anymore? What if-

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