12. Reverse Cursed Technique

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Maguro gave her words a thought. Two sources of cursed energy and multiplying them by each other.

Two sources of cursed energy...

Maguro turned and looked at Inumaki sitting on one of the infirmary beds. He looked worriedly at her, looking as if he's ready to get her out of there if she so much as ask him to. Approaching the Cursed Speech User, she contemplates on how to heal him.

Throat medicine. Was his throat not feeling well?

Raising up both of her hands and hovering her fingers at his high collar's zip, she looked at Inumaki and asked softly, "May I?"

Inumaki's heart pounded hard. No one has ever done that. No, not even doctors or Ieiri. He was always the one pulling down the zipper to show them his marks or throat, not the other way around.

This was an entirely new experience for him.

He nodded his head slowly, feeling his ears heating up as he watches her small fingers pulling down the zipper to his high collar down carefully, revealing what he hides behind them.

Soft lips with his family seal on either side of his mouth. His lips had a glistening sheen on it, as if he just licked his lips prior to her pulling his zip down.

Almost, Maguro almost thought out the word 'Sexy'.

Her cool digits touched the sensitive skin around his neck, the back of her forearm touching his chest as she moves closer to him. Tensing up, he swallowed audibly.

"Don't be afraid, Inumaki-kun," Maguro said softly, looking up to his striking violet eyes. "It'll be just a while."

"I'm not afraid," Inumaki thought out to her, knowing she will hear it. She responded by tilting her head slightly. He smiled. She looked cute when she does that. "Its just that no one has ever touched me...like this."

Maguro bite her lips, hiding the awkwardness. Now that she thought about it, this feels a little too...intimate.

Too fast. Too close.

She looked up. Inumaki's violet eyes stares down at her.

She bite her lips. Too much.

Taking a deep breath, Maguro pieced two and two together on her newly learned theory and willed it to expand through her hands currently resting on his throat.

A golden glow of light spreads out from her hand and softly envelop the area where her hands are. Inumaki looked down at her in surprise when he felt the nagging soreness in his throat gone in seconds.

She did it. Flawlessly. On her first class no less.

"Wonderful!" Ieiri called out from behind, slapping both hands on Maguro's shoulders. "Now that you know how this works, your next assignment will be for you to return to the dorm, heal up anyone who has sustained injury from training and report here same time tomorrow." Giving her shoulder a squeeze, Ieiri happily shout out, "Class dismissed! And Inumaki-kun, your spare medicine on the counter."

She went back to the way she came in and just like that, Maguro's second class of the day ended.

Both stared as Ieiri disappears in a flurry of white behind one door and left them alone in the infirmary.

The sun has just started to set, the sunset slowly colours the usually white infirmary into a warm orange glow.

"Inumaki-kun," Maguro called his name softly, prompting the off whitehaired boy to turn his attention back to her. She looked even smaller like this, even though there are only a few centimetres difference in their height. "Are you feeling better?"

Inumaki smiled. Was this what she worries about? Him? He was fine. It was just a little annoying sore throat. Placing one heavy hand on top of her head, he assured her he is fine by smiling and nodding.

She smiled. Her hands naturally slide down from his throat to his chest. "Anywhere else? I can heal them up for you now."

"I'm alright, Maguro. Thank you," Inumaki replied her and grabbed one of her hands on his chest, stilling them as he gets down from the bed. He looked down at her, finding her gradually turning red while watching his hand on hers.

He smiled. This is cute.

He half wondered what he can do to fluster her. That'll be fun to watch. After all, Maguro is cute.

He likes her.

Pulling her to the counter where his medicine sat, Inumaki heard her stuttering all the way to the exit.

"I-I-Inu-Inumaki-kun! I-I, this-"

Maguro nearly bumped into him when he turned around sharply with a smile on his lips.

Oh, his collar is still down, Maguro thought.

With her other hand, she zipped it back up for him. Inumaki blinked in surprise before collecting himself. Her little actions sometimes really get to him.

In a good way.

A very good way.

Perhaps he will not be the one who fluster her after all.

Raising up the hand holding hers, Inumaki leaned into her face and smiled brightly at her, "Don't want you to get lost on the way back.

A/N: You got to admit, Inumaki with his collar down is very sexy.

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