18. Scent

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Cooking dinner with Inumaki was fun.

Maguro learnt something new about her fine-looking neighbour. Aside from Fushiguro Megumi, Inumaki Toge is also a very accomplished chef. He knew his knifework, he knew his rice water ratio and best of all, he makes a mean curry rice.

After dinner, Inumaki had suggested for a movie to watch before sleeping seeing as the hour is still early. He turns on the tv in his bedroom side and gave her the remote, asking her to choose a movie for them to watch as he is going to brush his teeth.

"I'm planning to sleep after the movie anyway," Inumaki told her through thoughts, pulling his face towel from the hanger and entered the bathroom.

"Okay. I'll wait for you before we start the movie then," Maguro replied, her eyes glued to the tv's many programs. Inumaki smiled when he sees her choosing the movies intently.

Again, another cute aspect of Maguro.

He got back to his room after brushing his teeth to find Maguro all tucked up in his bed. She had prepared their seats on his bed with both of their pillows – hers behind her back, while his pillow got propped up on the wall just next to hers. Supposedly, this will make them watching movie more comfortable on his bed.

She looked up at him then smiled and patted the spot next to her.

"Here, I've fluffed up your pillow for you," she said to him happily, patting his pillow as well.

His heart did another flip. This has got to be her cutest moment with him. Give him a Maguro on his bed fluffing up his pillow, and he'll stay happy forever.

"A-ah, thank you, Maguro-chan," he answered her in his thought shyly, climbing up to his bed and sat himself next to her.

The movie played. Maguro couldn't concentrate on watching the movie. She is painfully aware of how close Inumaki is next to her. His shoulder brushing hers, his warmth, and his legs brushing hers underneath his thin quilt for the summer.

Not to mention his scent.

She didn't know anything about it, but his scent sends her heart pounding hard.

It was a very manly scent. Something very male and Inumaki.

It smelled so nice that it made her think of wanting to kiss him.

She bites on her lips at that thought.

And was alarmed when she realizes what she had just thought of.

Startled by her own thought, she choked on her own saliva and coughed violently into her hand.

"Takana?" (Are you alright?) Inumaki asked, patting her back to help sooth her sudden cough. Was it because of the kiss scene on the movie? Why was she so flustered with a scene like that? It's just a movie.


She has never watched a movie with a boy before.

Oh... Inumaki thought to himself quietly. So, she's fairly new at this too...?

He smiled mischievously to himself.

When Maguro's cough slowly subsided, he took the opportunity to lean into her personal bubble space and looked up and down her face while saying out in thought to her, "Are you alright now, Maguro?"

As he expected, Maguro turned red under his scrutiny, her eyes kept flitting between his eyes to his mouth.

Oh? Inumaki thought quietly to himself, smiling sweetly at her when her eyes flitted to his lips. Thinking of something else, Maguro?

He watches on as Maguro started to stutter and bit her lips, all the while staring at his lips. She swallowed audibly and closed her eyes tightly upon realizing her swallowing sound was quite loud.

Inumaki quietly chuckled. She really is so effortlessly cute.

Patting her head, he waited for her to calm down a little before telling her it's quite late, and that she needed to rest up early for training tomorrow and breakfast. One thing he liked about Maguro – she recovers quickly upon any mention of food.

"Oh okay," she settles down with getting off the bed and stood up. "I'll brush up my teeth before bed then. Oh, and Inumaki-kun?"

"Hmm?" (Hmm? What is it, Maguro?) he said to her, crawling nearer to the bedside and once again leaning into her face. He did that quite often lately, and he will definitely make sure she is looking at him before flitting his eyes down quickly to her lips, then back up to her eyes.

She quietly thought to herself that he really needs to stop doing that before she pounces on him.

They are alone now, after all. Perfect opportunity.

He's drawing her closer and closer to him without him needing to do anything. Hell, he didn't even touch her hand! All the Cursed Speech User did was smile at her and- and lean in!

And stares down at her with that gorgeous violet pools of temptation.

"I-I..." Maguro stuttered, her eyes couldn't help but to stray towards that pair of lips he had there.

That pair of lips with the Snake and Fang seal staring up at her, winking at her when Inumaki smiled.

As if challenging her to take what she wants.

"Yes?" Inumaki said in his thought, mimicking a deep tone in his mind.

He knew she will hear it.

"I-..." she started again. This time, she stares back into his eyes bravely without letting his voice in her mind and his lips distract her. "I want the bed."

Destined to Collide - Inumaki TogeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum