Chapter 18~ Oh No He Didn't!

Start from the beginning

"How's your prince?" Gene questioned.

"I don't know, how are ya?" I shook my head. "Actually, I had it right the first time, you're a jerk! What, you jealous~?"

"Do you want me to be?" He tilted my chin upwards and drew closer while his voice became increasingly hushed. "Jealous, possessive, and keep you all to" He suddenly pulled back. "Why is your face red, weirdo? You weren't even gone that long, why would I be jealous?"

I sheepishly laughed. "I was joking. A-Anyways, I have something important to tell you, but it can wait till you shower, I guess."

He smirked. "Or you could tell me while."

My head began to spin and I instinctively began to shake my head. "It'd be too hot. cramped it'd be. Gene, we're in a hotel with our friends, which includes your brother. And...I've never even"

He pet my head and turned around, taking a seat at the edge of his bed. His eyes held a softness to them and any hint of mischief had faded. "What's up?"

"I don't really know how to say this without being blunt, so... Back in my first year of college, Laurance and I dated."

Gene stared blankly at me before shrugging. "So he's the other relationship. I mean, I guess it makes sense. He seemed to like you back in high school."

My face scrunched up. "No way, he liked Aph. He probably just let go cause they weren't as close after high school."

"If I'm remembering right, didn't he hang out with you outside of school before he knew we were dating? He didn't do that with girls he passively flirted with."

"I mean, I guess, but it was probably just as friends. Anyways, who cares about that. You're not mad?" I questioned.

He rolled his eyes. "Mad at you for thinking it was just as friends! But yeah, the past is in the past. I just hope he doesn't still have feelings for you."

"Pffttt! We dated seven years ago, there's no way he'd" Gene's narrowed eyes made me cut myself off. "Oh, right... Well, the difference between you and Laurance is that I've been friends with him over the years. I know there's nothing there."


Sometimes, people are wrong.

Laurance had asked if I wanted to grab lunch with him after he caught up with the guys. It was going well at first, with us talking about Caleb, Laurance's baby brother, but it started going downhill once how I spent my summer was brought up.

"So, when did you guys run into Gene?"

I winced, as if given an injection. "I ran into him when I was set up on a blind date by one of my friends."

"I'm...guessing it went well," Laurance remarked.

His tone went completely over my head, and I carried on carelessly. "Not at all, actually. I ended up storming off cause I wasn't prepared to see him after eight years. We made up the next time we saw each other. Speaking of Gene, um...did you tell anyone about us?"

"No...why, have you not told anyone?"

I shook my head and before I could explain, Laurance's fist collided with the table, causing my shoulders to jump.

"Oh no he didn't!" he shouted.

I hid my face in my hands when people started glancing our way. I should just stop going out places. CLEARLY, I attract too much attention! "L-Laurance, what's wrong?"

Two Sides to Every Love (Gene x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now