My Lady

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At the abandoned building, Adrien was feeding on salmon fish since he's hungry again while Ladybug looks in the Grimoire spellbook.

"Let's see....werecat....where is it?" She turned pages.

"I just hope my father doesn't get akumatized again. He barely even uses that book" Adrien said while munching on the fresh chunk of fish meat.

"I'll give it back when I'll figure out how to break the curse," Ladybug said.

"I don't know. I have a feeling it doesn't belong to him. That book is like over a thousand years old" Adrien said and belched a little.

"Very likely. But it contains much info" Ladybug replied and soon enough she found a page about the werecats, "Listen to this. Thousands of years ago, witches used their cats to punish men by giving them the Werecat curse. But over time, it was forgotten by the world, and witches were executed." Ladybug said.

"Okay, is there more?" Adrien asked.

"Well, the ritual cure only happens on a full moon. The problem is that this spell is very ancient. You can read Chinese, right?" Ladybug asked.

"Yes, I've taken classes," Adrien said.

"Good, I can't read Chinese myself," Ladybug said.

Adrien took the book and read it in Chinese, "Wow, these are very ancient ingredients and spells from Ancient China. But maybe these can be found in modern times when everything changed" Adrien said.

"Which ones, Adrien?" Ladybug asked.

"A silk cloth, elements, and herbs," Adrien said.

"Okay then" Ladybug sat next to him to look.

"But I do have a friend who is half Chinese. Maybe she knows a bit of her family heritage. If this ritual cure works on the day of the full moon, maybe I don't have to hide anymore but I go back to being a prison of isolation again" Adrien said and tossed the Grimore book aside, feeling upset that if he gives up this curse, he won't be free ever again.

"We'll solve it, Adrien" Ladybug hugs him.

"I hope so." Adrien hugs back.


Later that night, Adrien practiced his partial transformations like his human nails turning to claws, human teeth turning to fangs, and his ears turning to cat ears. It wasn't easy to master them but he had to be careful not to let his anger blind him or he'll attack someone.

"Focus Adrien," He said to himself, and patches of black fur on his arms reappeared and disappeared as he focused.

"I gotta admit that your......fur.....was very soft like a kitten" Ladybug blushed.

"Wha-Really?" Adrien blushed too.

"Never mind" Ladybug chuckled nervously.

Adrien concentrates on turning his ears into black cat ears, "Meow. "Huh, not bad" He touched them.

" look like a gijinka" Ladybug awed.

"I do look like one" He looks in a mirror.

"Well do you hear better?" Ladybug asked.

"Yup. And it makes them twitch a bit" Adrien said.

"Can you smell too like a cat?" Ladybug asked.

"Yeah, I do" Adrien replied.

"And......night vision?" Ladybug said.

"Turn the lights off" He suggested and Ladybug did so but Adrien still saw her in the dark.

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