Chapter 9: Limitation

Start from the beginning


But before he could confirm what the source was he was forced to see some things that appeared to be the memory's of his failed loop.

"Damn it!"

That's definitely my voice.

"Try all you want, you can't trick us with your act." he mocked.

"Shit, it seemed like I was right. I did indeed attempt the same thing in the first loop..."

With that the memory faded out.

Wait! This changed things, does that mean I looped without me remembering?

Never mind that! I don't have time, how should I get through this?

Alvaro quickly grabbed his gospel and opened it. Blood from his nails splattered onto the ground. Either he was too preoccupied to notice or he didn't care, but Alvaro didn't pay attention to it. The blank pages greeted him, not a single thing was updated. He glared at the thing, this was part of why he was having such a hard time. This book hadn't helped him since he came into this world. It even made him meet the witch cult which led him to this.

He didn't want to meet them?

He flipped one page back, to where the first time it got updated. He had to see it for himself before making a conclusion.

"Avoid Witch Cult, do not meet them," said Alvaro in between ragged breaths, blood drops tainting the clear pages.

He let the book drop, nicely closing by itself. Alvaro didn't know what to think about this. On one hand it was what he really thought, but on the other hand how could it possibly know what he wanted? When he thought about it properly he never checked it until a week after he was with them.

Nonetheless, he had no use of the gospel. As convenient as it could be, it seemed like it would bring more harm than good. That's why he needed to get rid of it.

Alvaro's life was basically running on a timer, due to this his decision had little to no thought on it. He will be bound to make a rash decision. All for his survival. At that instance he began his gamble. A straight bet between himself and life.

He quickly unzipped his tracksuit, rolled the top of his shirt. Both hands shook uncontrollably, his fingers could barely keep still. Despite this he continued, not slowing down.

"Sol," he called out inside his mind.

"What is it? You've been acting strange all of a sudden. Not to mention you're bleeding from your nails."

Ah, I made her worry for me...

Dismissing his thoughts, he quickly continued, "That doesn't matter. Listen, I want you to use Goa to burn this gospel."


"There's no time! I'll explain later, so please hurry up!" Alvaro pleaded to his spirit, hoping it would listen.


This worked as the spirit followed his order, using Goa, aiming straight at the gospel. The spell hit, setting the book on fire. The sudden flare of the book lit his face as he watched the flames gradually incinerate the gospel.

Finally finishing the gag, Alvaro placed his mouth on it, biting on it with all the strength he could muster. Although he did roll his shirt, he made sure for it to at least cover his lower abdominal area.

He unsheathed his sword with a firm grip, ignoring the red liquid slowly dripping down, covering the shiny metallic weapon with tiny drops of red. Hovering over his abdomen, hesitation plagued him.

What are you hesitating for? Weren't you the one who decided to do this? Now is not the time to cower away.

Steady air was taken in and out.

He cleared his m—

"!!!" The unknown scream was muffled by the cloth placed into his mouth.


The sword was plunged into his stomach. The most painful part had yet to happen.

Even though Alvaro's legs gave up, he used his left hand and knees to keep himself from completely falling. Going on an upright position, supported by his knees, Alvaro endured the anguish.

He wanted for the pain to stop. Death was far less painful. Yes, that's better for everyone. He would be given mercy, and no one would be sad by his death. The torment almost made him forget his original goal, but the will to survive preserved his sanity.

I will persevere through this. Not because I want to live, but because this is the greatest and worst thing that could happen to me!

However, his sanity is far long gone. Quite a long time ago. Otherwise, none of this would even happen.

A different choice, a different mindset, a different path. All of this contributes to what could have been a way more forgiving route. Yet, he will experience none of that, by what his own actions led him to this.

Not even the gospel can save him.

That's why he's the perfect candidate.

Grabbing onto the sword for dear life, against his survival instincts telling him otherwise, Alvaro forcefully pulled the sword out. Midway he lost grip of the sword, sending it flying. Luckily, due to him being near a wall the sword didn't go far.

A burst of blood spilled out like a dam bursting open. The liquid streamed towards the location of the gospel. He hunched over, pouring every single amount of his own blood into the fire, with each drop the smell became worse. Even with the horrible, pungent, nauseous smell he carried on.

He groaned, drowsiness enveloping him as if telling him his time was over. With his current weakness, he had no choice but to wait for the inevitable outcome.

Losing his strength, he naturally let himself hit the ground with a thud. His eyes closed, whether that meant he had lost his life or he simply went unconscious.

Only time will tell.


I want to clear any misconceptions, at the beginning of the chapter the mc is not in the shadow garden, the only similarity is that it's his conscious. He just there waiting for him to return. It'll be explain further.

This mc gets no get any bitches unlike Subaru. ;-;

While you've been reading the chapter, I'm sure you have noticed that many things may have went by a bit too fast.

Don't worry not all loops will be like this. It was just this specific one.

With this chapter I wanted to develop his character while not letting have more time to gather his thoughts. That's why even if the story is in third person, some sentences end abruptly. Another reason why I chose this story to be in third person.

Although I said his ability is similar to return by death, that isn't entirely true. It's more like a worse version of it.

By the way, the mc won't be insulting himself all the type, the only reason he is doing it is because of the current circumstances.

Anyways, I want to know your opinion on the story and mc to see how I could improve it, so feel free to tell me.

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