Chapter 7

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Lily's POV

Oh no... Everyone was so distracted that everyone forgot all about Peter. We were in the future in London right now, he could be literally anywhere. This was bad. Everyone was screaming his name or insulting him.

Suddenly we heard something. I frowned. "FILTH! DIRT! RATS IN THE HOUSE. FILTHY RATS! FILTHY RATS WITH BLOOD FILTHIER THEN MUDBLOOD BLOOD!" A women with a terrible voice screamed. I jumped. Past Sirius flinched. Present Sirius rolled his eyes and told her to shut up. The rest ran to catch the rat. I had no idea why anybody cared about the rat. Maybe someone here had a phobia of rats. That would make sense. If I had to guess, I'd think James has a phobia of rats.

I was wrong. James was standing with a rat in his hand. He was squeezing it to death and the rat was desperately trying to escape. The Remus from 1995 cast a spell. It didn't seem to work. James sighed and let go of the rat. "Wrong rat." He said. I frowned. How many rats were there? "Why did you have to let the thing go? You could've killed it and made things so much easier." Ron said. James shrugged. "Meh, maybe next time." He said. They both received a few disapproving glancing. They looked around and genuinely looked confused.

"ANYWAYS, while you were busy wondering why you didn't kill a living thing, Rose found the rat. We put him in the house jail. " Teddy said. Everyone sighed with relief and laughed. Harry looked up. "What? Why's everyone happy?" He asked. Everyone laughed. Ugh. It turns out my future son is as oblivious as a fish. Guess that's just life.

"Who wants to play quidditch?" Sirius asked. "Me!" 1975 James, harry and future James all said at the same time. "Me too." Ginny said and Ron and fred and george agreed. A few other people agreed and went to walk out. "Not so fast. It is nighttime. Play quidditch tomorrow. No one goes outside now." Molly said. Everyone reluctantly nodded.

"Well, should we play truth or dare?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Ok, who starts?" I asked. "ME!" Ron yelled. "But first, we need to take a truth potion. And also this potion. The truth potion so you can't lie, the second one is so you do the dare given to you no matter what." Sirius said. Oh no.. This place was about to blow.. "Ok Ron, start."

"Hermione, truth or dare?" He asked. "Truth." She said. "Ok.. What is happening between you and Viktor?" He asked. "Who? Ohhh that old person. We are just sending extra long letters to each other frequently, but we are not romantically involved." Hermione answered. Ron sighed with relief.

"Ok, my turn." 1975 Remus said. "Sirius, truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare." Both Siriuses said automatically. "No, our Sirius. The one from 1975." He said. "Dare." he said. "I dare you to.." He whispered something to Sirius. Sirius went and came back after a few moments. He had a black thing in his hand. He dropped it. I shrieked. Ron screamed like a girl and started running around. The black thing was a spider.

"SIRIUS! REMUS! WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled. They both shrugged. I rolled my eyes. The spider escaped. Ron's face was pure red. Redder than his own hair. Redder than my hair. Redder then a tomato. Redder then red.

"Ok, let's continue this game!"

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