Kira looked at Scott and followed the deputy.

"Hey. I don't know why you guys are lying. Or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap. But try and remember something. If half this story about Barrow is true, then not only did someone help set him loose, but he was a pawn in their little game. A mass murdered is bad enough. A mass murderer being contolled by someone? Far worse." Rafael said looking at Scott and Hope.

"Yeah, I get it." Scott said and Hope nodded.

"All right, go home. It's a school night." Rafael said and they left.


Hope woke up breathing heavily. She had this weird dream again. Stiles talking to her, about how she killed someone, about weaknesses and strength. Dream about her crying in the dark of the room and at the end about Stiles rescuing her.

The only thing that was different was the word she kept hearing, even after waking up. "VOID." It was the same word that came up to her mind when they were talking about the flies and the bestiar with Allison.

She kept seeing Stiles in her dreams, she was still connected to him, even though she was no longer part of his dreams. She also saw a man figure, covered in bandeges over his whole body. And the most terrifying part was seeing Stiles writing the numbers on the board, the one's that helped Barrow find Kira.


Hope saw Stiles standing infront of his locker with key in his hand.

"Hi." She came to him.

"Hey." He said looking at the key.

"Is something wrong?" Hope asked.

"I just..I have no idea from where did this key came from." He said and looked at the main door of the school.

Scott just arrived. Stiles and Hope waved to him but he was staring at Kira already. They looked at her too, and she turned around and started walking away quickly. Scott went after her but Stiles stopped him.

"No.No. Stop. Stop." Stiles said.

"What? I need to talk to her." Scott looked at him confused.

"No,you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." Stiles said.

"Which is why I need to talk to her." Scott looked at Kira.

"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote againts any and all interaction." Stiles said sarcastically.

"What If she's like me?" Scott asked.

"That girl walked through 1.21 gigawatts of electricity. She's not like you." Hope said irritated. "And we have bigger problems now. Your dad was right." She looked at Scott.

"About what?" Scott asked.

"About someone controlling a mass murderer." She whispered.

Scott sighed and walked away. Stiles looked at the key he found and was about to leave too.

"Wait." Hope grabbed his arm.

He looked at her confused.

"I had a dream. Again. You were the one writing the numbers, Stiles." She looked at him nervously.

"What?" He looked at her.

"Whatever." Hope sighed. "It was just a dream." She walked to the class.


"What you going to wear?" Lydia entered Hope's bedroom.

"I don't think I'll go." Hope sat down on her bed.

Remembered// Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now