"I love roses."

"Really? Why?" His fingers release my hair and his arm returns to where it was before, around my waist. I have given up on trying to convince him to remove them. "Roses are beautiful and elegant. However, they are protected by sharp, prickly thorns that sprout from the vines, which embodies the fact that beautiful things must be protected."I explain. He hums. "I agree. Beautiful things do need protection." The weight of his chin is placed on my shoulder. The way he said that sounded as though it had another meaning, but I do not ask what.

"Indeed." I lean back into his warm embrace for a second before realising my actions and sitting up straight clearing my throat. He sighs in disappointment. "What are your favourite kind of roses?" Soft vibrations travels from his throat, through my shoulder and down my spine.

"Red and pink roses"


A smile creeps on my face, my cheeks heating up slightly. "Thank you, can you give them to Tatia, please?" The sound of shuffling fills my ears before silence. "That will be all, Your Highness." She states. "Then you may go."

"Thank you." Her footsteps retreat, followed by the sound of creaking.

"Tatia, can you hand me my riding pants, please?" I ask once I've finished buttoning all the buttons on my shirt. She tosses on top of the folding screen. "Seems like you have some romance with Prince Lancelot." Tatia says from the other side of the screen but I can imagine the small smile she has on her face. I roll my eyes. "Not necessarily. We had all but one, real conversation with each other." I walk from behind the screen.

Tatia brings my riding coat and buttons it up.

"Sometimes it only takes one conversation, Guinevere."

"For others, of course but for me not at all. Conversations could be full of false promises and lies with hidden agendas. It's going to take a lot more than flowers to sweep me off my feet. Anyone could have gotten me them." I argue.

"Fair point. But it wasn't anyone who got you flowers, it was him." She pulls me to a stool, so that she can put my boots on easier. No reply came from me and she shakes her head. Walking behind me, she brushes my hair into a low ponytail, a few short strands falling around my face.

"I'm finished."

My feet take me to the mirror and I look myself over. The boots are made of black leather with a small wooden heel at the bottom. Cream coloured pants that are tight, so tight that I think my bum may rip it if I make a sudden movement. A plain white shirt, that is covered by a navy blue coat with golden buttons that starts from the middle of my breast and stops just under my navel, however the coat itself stops at my hips. My hair tied in a low ponytail, exposing my sharp facial structures with a few baby hairs and loose strands around my face .

"Thank you, Tatia." I remove the rings on my fingers and give them to her to put in my jewellery chest. "My pleasure." She smooths her dress out with the palm of her hands, removing the creases. I turn to face her. "What will you do while I am out riding?" My eyes spot my black riding helmet and I pick it up and hold it under my arm.

"I'm not quite sure. It's still a bit early, so I can't set your bath water because it would be cold by the time you return." Her thoughts are voiced aloud as she tucks a loose strand of  hair behind her ear. "If I am correct, I believe that you enjoy roaming through the gardens?" A memory from earlier flashes through my head, when her, father and myself were walking through the gardens. Her eyes glistened at every plant that enchanted her.

"Yes, I do." She nods, smiling softly her gaze drifting as she thinks about the objects of her enjoyment.

"Well then, that's what you will do. Feel free to explore the palace gardens till your heart's content." I smile at her, showing my pearly white teeth.

Her gaze brightens up and she wraps her arms around me, pining my arms to my side. Anyone else would be given a brutal beating for touching me without permission but she is more than any average girl. She is worth so much to me- no, in fact she is priceless. "I would return your embrace, but I would need my arms to do so, Tatia." I laugh. Her arms slackens just enough to slip my arms through and I pull her closer.

"Thank you. I'm so happy that you are my princess. No one else would ever compare to you." She pulls away, her face slightly red and her cheeks are going to start hurting if she keeps smiling so much. She opens the door and looks at me. I laugh, "Go on." A squeal comes from her before she says, "Off I go". She skips down the corridor and towards the gardens.

She can be such a free spirit at times.

I smile, making my way to the stables for my horse riding session.

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