"forgive me"

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Thank you so much for 2.1k reads and 300+ votes ilysm!

(Short chapter?)

(Next day)


(At school)

I arrived at school early because i forgot to write english homework. I was writing on my desk but then someone hit my head which made my hair fall on my face.

I looked back at the person and it was that u-jin guy and the girl who grabbed my collar yesterday.

"Whats your problem? What did i do?!!" I yelled.
"Dont yell at him!" She said.
"And who are u to tell me?!" I asked.
"Oh you didn't introduce yourself? Shes hae-won" he said and grabbed my face harshly.
"Oh sorry for the hard slap didn't know that your weak that u got a mark" he said amd both laughed.

I saw haruto coming! Shit!!

He pushed him away and punched him on his face. And he fell on the ground.

"Who tf are you to punch him?!" That hae-won girl yelled.
"Huh? Im y/n's boyfriend! If you again treat her like that im gonna complain to the teacher!" He said.
"OHH! So your that haruto guy?" U-jin said and got up.
Haruto ignored him and went near me.

"We're not gonna bully her again, come lets go" he said to haewon
"WHAT? no! Why?" She asked.
"Lets go!" He yelled and grabbed her wrist and was about to go.

"Hey! What about yoshi?" I asked.
"We'll stop everyones" he said and left.

I sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?! And who's yoshi?" He said i ignored and continued writing my homework.
"Hey! Y/n? Answer me!" He kept calling my name but i was finishing my work.

"Guess whos back? Annyounghaseyo we are wooyu" i heard jeongwoo saying. I gasped.
"AHH! Yuna! You are finally back!!" I exclaimed and hugged her. She hugged me back.
"Where were you?" I asked as she broke the hug.
"We were on a trip, i mean it was only for couples. You are haruto can go-" i cut of jungwoo.
"I called you sm times! And u didn't pick it up!" I crossed my arms.

"OH my mom! Im really sorry, jungwoo told me not to tell anyone" she said.
"Why?!" I asked.
"None of your business" he said.
I rolled my eyes. Yuna signed me that she will go and take a sit on her seat.
I nodded and sat on mine.

Haruto kept on annoying me by playing with my hairs as he was sitting beside me. I sighed. I looked at him, he was staring right into my eyes. I startled a little. He was laughing while pointing on me. I rolled my eyes. Someone banged our desk so hardly, i looked up and it was doyoung.

"It is my place so..haruto go to yours." He said.
"Fine!" He rolled his eyes and went to his desk. I sighed again.
"Hello~" he said and sat beside me.

The teacher came and started to teach us.

(After school)

We started packing our bags.
"Hey, how bout we go hangout today? I mean now!" Doyoung said.
"Too late, i asked her earlier!" Haruto cane from nowhere.


We were at the same place where we used to bully students. I scoffed.

"HEY! how can you let her go so easily? And that yoshi guy?!! We'll no longer bully childrens?" Haewon asked raising her voice on me.


She went silent, maybe she understood what i wanna say. I sighed.

"Where were u? Look i came by myself" yoshi said. Huh whats his problem? He can beat someone like a professional but he want to get bullied?

"We are not bullying anyone anymore!" I said and was about to go but he held my wrist.
"But why?" He asked.
"Y/n said to" i said and pulled back my wrist and left him alone.


I saw her coming with some guys. I went to her and grabbed her wrist.
All the members eyes went on me.

"What?" She asked.
"We need t-" before i could finish, a guy cut me off
"Y/n who is he? I asked about this today morning too but you didn't answer!" He said.
"Look y/n we need to talk" i said and took her to a empty classroom.

"What is it?" She asked as she looked at her wrist watch.
"Why did u tell them to stop bullying me?" I asked going straight to the piont.
"Thats what you want right? Thank me later." She said.
"I wanna get bullied!! I wanna leave this school. But i want a reason to leave, so i wanna get bullied!! My mom wont allow me to leave this stupid school!!" I said.

"Why you wanna leave? Its not that bad" she said.
"You wont understand! Just tell them to bully me back!" I said.
"Huh? I didn't say them to stop, he came to me and said that they'll stop it! It was a good thing so i didn't stop them!" She sighed.

"You can go!" I said and left her alone.


I dont know whats wrong with him argg. I groaned.
I went out of the class and saw haruto leaning back on the door. More like he was listening to us.
"What your doing here?" I said, he cleared his throat.
"Lets go" he said and linked arm with mine.


Haruto took me to shopping. We were having really fun. Eating whatever we see. Buying whatever we see. We could only here our laughs.

(After some minutes)

We were now sitting on a bench, eating ice cream.
"Looks like you forgive me!" He said.
"Come on!" He said with a pout.
"Okay!! I've forgiven you" i said and smiled at him. He leaned closer to me and kiss me on my lips.


Thats it for chapter 28. Chapter 30 will be the last i guess. So thanks again for 2k reads!

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