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Eridan P.O.V

It had been 4 sweeps today since I killed Feferi. It's strange, most of the others had recovered from it. Even Sollux. But I... I still missed her. I visited her every anniversary of her death and gave her new flowers. Oh cod, I missed her... I decided to get a better headstone for her, so I got the best one and put it in for her. Would she thank me? Would she forgive me, or would she still be mad? I'm so afraid to know the answer.
I got to her grave, flowers in hand. It wasn't long after I got there that the sun began to come up. I didn't want to leave yet... I wanted to stay with her. No, I NEEDED to stay with her. The sun came up, and my skin burned. I wanted to scream, but I stayed silent and dropped to the sand, crying.
"Fef, please come back to me! I'm so sorry!!!" I yelled to the sky. It was no use. She wouldn't be coming back, and I needed to accept that. I heard someone yelling from behind me, from a nearby Hive. I turned, feeling more excruciating pain with each movement. I could see long horns in the frame of a doorway.
"Tavv..??" It was Tavros, motioning for me to come inside his Hive. I had no choice, so I ran inside his Hive, collapsing on the floor. Tavros looked at me like I grew 3 more sets of legs and called myself "8pider 8itch". He was horrified. Despite his fear of what on earth was racing through my insane mind, he took care of my burns and helped me out like nobody had ever done before. He was acting like a true.... Friend.

Ugh. The chapters I write are WAY too short. I guess I can't help it? Anyway, thanks for reading!

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