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"Eyes are cold for outside of the World
But For me they say a unsung story of a eternity of pain and loss"


[ Author P.O.V ]
People sleep at night but she weave the plans for her Vegenance but rather little did she know her fate has choosen the house of cards where king is corrupted the queen loves her name and fame , the prince are innocent and naive but little did they know a princess will rule their kingdom and talking about the obstacles one of the prince will be the only person who will be saved in this games of thrones in this game of thrones...

"You love me right ?" She said while caressing his cheek

"Yes Life" his hurky tone replied while a beautiful boxy smile made the way up to her lips

"So will do anything for me ?" She said while looking at him

"Yes Life anything tell me what you want me to do ?" He said with a small smile

"Leave me alone" she said while snatching her hand away

"What are saying baby stop joking around ?" He said while laughing

"I am serious Taehyung" she said while looking away

"Stop kidding I am not leaving you" he tried to get her hand but she refused

"What are you doing baby ? Stop this shitty joke and let us go home" he said and tried to kiss her


A sting pain was felt on the boy's cheeks as he lifted his eyes and saw hatred and rage in her eyes

"What are you doing ? Do you think I will allow you to kiss me ? Do you think I am that much innocent ?" She said while smirking and pointing at him

"What are you saying say it clearly !" He said as he clenched his jaw

"Hmmm You are really naive Mr.Kim Taehyung that yiu didn't observed that I am here for your fame and money not for your shitty love you are just a fucking method for your fame and money and you know what is the best part ?"

His was broken but her next word made his heart broke into millions of pieces

"I have affair with your father and even your mom know that you both are naive and just innocent haha what fools -" she felt a tight slap as he said

"Don't you dare to say anything" he dared her

"I won't see who you are... Never meet me again" he said and left

Suddenly he woke up

"This dream why it always repeat itself" he said while wiping his sweat away

"Hmm I am thirsty let go get water from outside" he said as he got up and went downstairs to fetch the water bottle

He came to kitchen and was about to take water bottle but saw someone talking to somebody so he stopped his movements and listened carefully

"Sir Taehyung sir's is now under our eyes"

"Hmm and how is that ?"

"We have put GPS NAVIGATION on his car and on his phone too"

"Hmm I need every information about him ok ?"

"Ok sir we will try our best"

"Trying to take information about me Mr.Ji-huen" he spat with rage and anger while both of them were shocked as they knew he was no good at that time

"Mr.Taehyung it isn't like that" men said while giving assurance

"So what it is like ?" He said

"Uhm Mr.Kim you should leave now I will talk to you later" JH said

"Y-Yes S-Sir"

The Man left leaving the others behind

"Didn't I told you never dare to invade my privacy ?" He said with clenching jaw

"Taehyung look -"

"You know Mr.Kim I hate this tag that is on my neck you know This Tag "Kim" I want to lothe it with my every existence I hate you and this tag and you know what tomorrow i will leave from here without phone and car then let's see what the fuck you going to do ?" He said while smirking

"Taehyung look -"

"I don't to want to look , I guess your audicity is way more than us you know if mom didn't give her promise i would have killed you without mercy years ago" He said with rage and anger were collapsing with each other his was shattered from inside but was brave for outer world

"Taehyung Son look -"

"I am not your son Mr.Ji-huen ! Your son died 5 years ago that night he is a business and is only Taehyung a son of a single mother and his father died for him" he said without turning back

He left while leaving behind his father who was watching him fading away nor he know that a storm has already came to destroy them

[ On the other side ]
Her body quivered as she dipped herself in the bathtub her goosebumps came as she rest in water her head begin to take a rest as it was meant to be their with the sound of water but suddenly she stood took a scruber with which she harshly started to rub it against her body her skin begin to pain but she didn't stopped her skin soon begin to bleed and that's when she stopped , stared at her wound which gives her the memories of her dark past where she was abandoned...

She came out of bathtub where all her dress was wet and her face was now in front of full size mirror she stared herself for a while , she came towards the sink and washed her face and put first aid near her , she put the the medicine on her wound and put a cloth on it until she heard

"Y/N are you there ?"

Hey Flakes !
How are you its a late update i know ! I am literally sorry cause my schools are giving me head ache plus assignments are on the other hand i know its my responsibility to almost give 2 chapters every week but still please forgive me your author is also human soo till then love ya ~

~ Author

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